The Baby Club - Series 1: 10. Leaves
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Songs Episodes
- The Bath Time SongRub-a-dub-dub, you mucky pup! Giovanna sings The Bath Time Song. Join in at home!1:20
- The Rumbly Tummy SongRumbly tummy, let’s eat food! Giovanna sings The Rumbly Tummy Song. Join in too!1:19
- The Sleep Time SongIt’s sleep time for baby! Giovanna and Nigel sing The Sleep Time Song. Join in at home!1:57
- The Nappy Change SongLet’s get you fresh and clean! Giovanna & Nigel sing The Nappy Change Song. Join in too!1:47
- The Waking Up SongLittle one, it’s time to rise! Nigel sings The Waking Up Song. Join in at home!1:55
- The Together SongGiovanna Fletcher and Nigel Clarke sing The Together Song from The Baby Club!1:40
- The Baby Bear SongGiovanna Fletcher and Nigel Clarke sing The Baby Club’s Baby Bear Song!1:49