Peicein/Petit - Series 1: 2. Cuiridh mi mi fhìn à sealladh!/I’ll make myself invisible!
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- Series 1: 6. Am bi gaisgich ag òl tì?Petit, Laura, Greg and Roman visit Petit's cousin, who's a super fan of princesses.7 mins
- Series 1: 5. Tha mi airson a bhith mòr - an-diugh!/I want to be a big kid – today!...Petit and his friends want to ride the 'space' rollercoaster at the theme park.7 mins
- Series 1: 4. Lorgaidh mi an ceangal eadarainn uile!/I’ll find the missing link between us all!...Petit and his friends must draw what they imagine the prehistoric missing link looks like.7 mins
- Series 1: 3. Leams’ a tha ’n fhiacail – cha toir duin’ air falbh i!/My tooth is my own and no one can take it away!...Petit has a loose tooth and is not willing to hand it to the tooth mouse!7 mins
- This episodeSeries 1: 2. Cuiridh mi mi fhìn à sealladh!/I’ll make myself invisible!...