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Roots and Fruits - Series 2: 11. Chilli Pepper - Signed
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Series Navigation
- Series 1: 1. Runner BeansLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 the speedy dancing Runner Beans!5 mins
- Series 1: 2. StrawberryLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 Strawberry performing See the Seeds!5 mins
- Series 1: 3. PotatoLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 Potato dedicating a song to his Uncle Spud.5 mins
- Series 1: 4. GrapesLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 the spectacular acrobatic Grapes!5 mins
- Series 1: 5. BananaLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 Banana performing I鈥檝e Got a Secret.5 mins
- Series 1: 6. PumpkinLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 Pumpkin demonstrating incredible strength.6 mins
- Series 1: 7. CucumberLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 Cucumber performing Cool Under Pressure.5 mins
- Series 1: 8. OrangeLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 the daring tightrope-walking Orange!5 mins
- Series 1: 9. CornLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 Corn singing an A-maiz-ing Counting Song.5 mins
- Series 1: 10. PlumLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 Plum performing the Sugar Plum Fairy Bounce!5 mins
- Series 1: 11. CeleryLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 Celery performing We鈥檙e Here to Grow.5 mins
- Series 1: 12. PineappleLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 the magical Pineapple!5 mins
- Series 1: 13. RaspberryLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 Raspberry performing It鈥檚 Cool to Be Kind.5 mins
- Series 1: 14. TomatoLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, Tomato performs his mind-boggling magic act.5 mins
- Series 1: 15. Brussels SproutLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 tiny Brussels Sprout performing I鈥檓 Mighty.5 mins
- Series 1: 16. ArtichokeLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 the rhyming queen Artichoke!5 mins
- Series 1: 17. WatermelonLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 the body-drumming sensation, Watermelon!5 mins
- Series 1: 18. CarrotLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 Carrot performing a superstylish song.5 mins
- Series 1: 19. LemonLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 Lemon with his laugh-out-loud stand-up act.5 mins
- Series 1: 20. PeasLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 the Peas performing their hap-pea double act!5 mins
- Series 1: 21. PepperLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 the bell-ringing-and-singing Pepper!5 mins
- Series 1: 22. ParsleyLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 Parsley performing Rise Up with Me.5 mins
- Series 1: 23. PearLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 the fastest woodwind player - Pear!5 mins
- Series 1: 24. CranberryLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 the bouncing and singing Cranberries!5 mins
- Series 1: 25. CoconutLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 Coconut getting his moment in the limelight.5 mins
- Series 1: 26. KiwiLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 Kiwi performing Do the Kiwi Dance.5 mins
- Series 2: 1. Festive SpecialLive from the Roots and Fruits Theatre, it鈥檚 our magical festive special!5 mins
- Series 2: 2. GooseberryLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 honorary club member, Gooseberry!6 mins
- Series 2: 3. CabbageLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 the memory master, Cabbage!6 mins
- Series 2: 4. BananaLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 Banana with yet another amazing secret!6 mins
- Series 2: 5. AvocadoLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 the singing Three Avocados!6 mins
- Series 2: 6. GarlicLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 the fitness sensation, Garlic!5 mins
- Series 2: 7. AsparagusLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 the rain-loving young Asparagus!5 mins
- Series 2: 8. OkraLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 the famous musical duo Okra!5 mins
- Series 2: 9. LeekLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 the frost-resilient Leek!5 mins
- Series 2: 10. GrapefruitLive from the Roots and Fruits theatre, it鈥檚 the singing Grapefruit!5 mins
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