Peicein/Petit - Series 1: 20. Tha mise a’ dol a shreap suas à rd!/I’m going to climb very high now!
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- Series 1: 21. Ma dh’itheas mi tòrr silidh bidh mi cho luath sa ghabhas!/Eating a lot of jam will make me very fast!...Petit finds out through his friends about the new Really Tasty Candy promo.7 mins
- This episodeSeries 1: 20. Tha mise a’ dol a shreap suas à rd!/I’m going to climb very high now!...
- Series 1: 19. Nì mise na riaghailtean a-nis/I’m making the rules now!...Roman's parents are travelling, and they leave 'our favourite aunt' in charge.7 mins
- Series 1: 18. Chan eil mi airson is gum bìd biastag eile mi!/I don’t want any more bugs to bite me!...Petit gets bitten by one of Tadeo's fleas.7 mins
- Series 1: 16. Faodaidh obair a bhith còrdadh riut!/Work doesn’t have to be boring!...Petit invites his friends to his dad's workplace.7 mins