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Numberblocks - Series 6: Cuboid Castle - Signed
Audio DescribedSign Language
Series 5 Episodes
- Your TurnIt’s time for some bouncy fun as the Numberblobs take over the show.5 mins
- Now You See UsThe Numberblocks discover a magic spell that makes them all invisible. Uh-oh!5 mins
- Ten's Top TenTen presents a rundown of the top hit songs in Numberland.5 mins
- What's My Number?Welcome to the game show where you don't count, you see the amount!5 mins
- Fun Times One Times TableOne goes in search of the legendary One Times Table.5 mins
- The Many Friends of TwentyTwenty enters the Pattern Palace to find out who his Twenty-friends are.5 mins
- Ten VaultingThe Numberblocks compete in the finals of the Ten-vaulting contest.5 mins
- TwolandWhat if Two was the first Numberblock? Imagine that!5 mins
- Two Times Shoe ShopTwo discovers a magical shoe shop and the even more magical Two Times Table.5 mins
- Odd Side StoryHow do the Odd Blocks and Even Tops work out who's best? Dance!5 mins
- How Rectangly!Twenty-One helps some new friends find out how many rectangles they can make.5 mins
- Rectangle RacersAt the Rays Track, Twenty-Four is ready to race all day and all night!5 mins
- The Team FactorWelcome to the Team Tag Arena for another exciting match! Who will be left standing?5 mins
- Hidden TalentsTwenty-Six enters Fifteen's Talent Show... and finds some hidden talents!5 mins
- Making PatternsTwenty-Seven and Twenty-Eight explore the new Pattern Wall at the Gallery.5 mins
- Now in 3DOctonaughty returns with a whole new dimension of naughtiness.5 mins
- Club PicnicThere are so many clubs for Numberblocks to belong to!5 mins
- Circus of ThreesRoll up, roll up, roll up as the spectacular Three Times Table puts on a show to remember.5 mins
- Too Many ThreesThree's attempts to hide in the Clubhouse get increasingly tricky.5 mins
- Figure It OutTwenty-One reveals her six-step plan for figuring out Numberblocks.5 mins
- Snow Day DoublesThirty-Two and friends have fun halving and doubling in the snow.5 mins
- Steps Versus SquaresThe annual Steps v Squares treasure hunt doesn't quite go to plan.5 mins
- Puzzle SquarePuzzle-master Thirty-Six challenges the others to find a way into Puzzle Square.5 mins
- Four on the FloorFour and friends bust some big moves on the dance floor with the Four Times Table.5 mins
- Sky High FivesFive gets ready to perform at the Tower of Rock.5 mins
- One Giant Step SquadMeet Fifty-Five, the rocket ship captain who's always ready to blast into space.5 mins
- Square on the MoonThe big squares set out to land a square on the moon using square power alone.5 mins
- Heroes with ZeroesWhen there's trouble in space, Ten and the Ten Times Table rocket to the rescue.5 mins
- What If?What if there was a way to explore every possible question? Imagine that!5 mins
- 100 Ways to Leave the PlanetIt's time for the biggest adventure of all – there's a whole universe to explore.5 mins