Get Set Galactic - Series 2: 5. Nana's Old Phone
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Series 1 Episodes
- 1. ExercisingAyo and Sam learn about the importance of exercise to keep the body and mind healthy.21 mins
- 2. Model RocketsSam and Ayo compete to see who can make the best model rocket.21 mins
- 3. Ayo's Weather ReportAyo and Sam recreate different types of Earth weather using items around the lab.21 mins
- 4. Computer CodingSam and Ayo must fix the supercomputer by giving it a list of coded instructions.21 mins
- 5. Sounds GoodSam and Ayo use their science skills to learn what’s making a squeaking sound in the lab.21 mins
- 6. Space BiscuitsWhile baking, Sam and Ayo realise mistakes can lead to great discoveries and inventions.21 mins
- 7. Plants in SpaceAyo has grown a sunflower called Mavis in the lab without using Earth conditions.21 mins
- 8. Planet AyoAyo discovers a new planet through her telescope – but is it what it seems to be?21 mins
- 9. PenicillinMouldy bread helps Sam and Ayo learn about Alexander Fleming’s discovery of penicillin.21 mins
- 10. Mystery ObjectSam and Ayo try and test a mystery object to figure out what it is.21 mins
- 11. ReusingAyo and Sam want to find new uses for items in the lab instead of throwing them out.21 mins
- 12. Maths MarvelAyo is inspired by Katherine Johnson, who helped land the first person on the moon.21 mins
- 13. CodebreakingAyo gives Sam a secret birthday message. Can he crack the code to reveal a big surprise?21 mins
- 14. ArchimedesSam sits in a bathtub, hoping for a moment of discovery like his science hero Archimedes.21 mins
- 15. AnimalsSam, Ayo and James complete a quiz to find out which animals they share qualities with.21 mins
- 16. ObservationsSam is busy making observations and recording his findings in the lab.21 mins
- 17. About TimeSam and Ayo have fun timing how long it takes them to carry out different tasks.21 mins
- 18. MemoryAyo teaches Sam a method of remembering lots of items by creating a story about them.21 mins
- 19. Heavy and LightAyo and Sam prepare for a mission but must make sure their space packs aren’t too heavy.21 mins
- 20. MeasurementsAyo and Sam use measurements to make sure they plant and water their seeds correctly.21 mins
- 21. FingerprintsDetective Ayo searches for fingerprints to discover who borrowed her new book.21 mins
- 22. TemperatureSam and Ayo must keep the lab at a cold temperature so they can do an experiment with ice.21 mins
- 23. Defying GravityAyo is challenged to defy gravity using just a cup, some water and a piece of card.22 mins
- 24. Musical InstrumentsSam and Ayo test out their sound wave monitor by making their own musical instruments.21 mins
- 25. Leonardo da VinciAyo dreams of inventing something spectacular like famous scientist Leonardo da Vinci did.21 mins
- 26. MagnetsSam and Ayo compete to see who can make the best model rocket.21 mins