Superman & Lois - Series 4: 10. It Went By So Fast
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Series 1 Episodes
- 1. PilotSuperman and family return to Smallville but are followed by their deadliest enemies yet.61 mins
- 2. HeritageLois and Clark make an important decision concerning one of their sons.43 mins
- 3. The Perks of Not Being a WallflowerLois begins investigating Morgan Edge.41 mins
- 4. HaywireJonathan is jealous of Jordan. Lois and Chrissy spot Morgan Edge scheming with the mayor.41 mins
- 5. The Best of SmallvilleSmallville celebrates its first Harvest Festival since Martha died.40 mins
- 6. Broken TrustJordan has to stop playing football. Lois continues to investigate Morgan Edge.42 mins
- 7. Man of SteelJordan struggles with a new power.40 mins
- 8. Holding the WrenchJonathan finds himself in a dangerous situation.42 mins
- 9. Loyal SubjektsLois, Chrissy and Clark team up to investigate Morgan Edge.41 mins
- 10. O Mother, Where Art Thou?Lana reaches out to Lois and Clark when Kyle starts behaving strangely.42 mins
- 11. A Brief Reminiscence In-Between Cataclysmic EventsClark reminisces about meeting Lois and his early days as Superman.40 mins
- 12. Through the Valley of DeathJordan steps up to help find Superman.40 mins
- 13. Fail SafeLois and Chrissy chase the truth.42 mins
- 14. The EradicatorMorgan Edge returns to wreak destruction upon Metropolis.38 mins
- 15. Last Sons of KryptonClark鈥檚 worst nightmare comes true as Edge鈥檚 masterplan nears its grim conclusion.43 mins