Operation Ouch! - Series 13: 1. Fart Rocket!
Series 5 Episodes
- 1. Bendy BodiesThe doctors reveal what makes you flexible as they test the strength of a tendon.28 mins
- 2. Ear We Go!The doctors reveal how your eardrum works to enable you to hear.28 mins
- 3. Bendy Cool CartilageThe doctors reveal how important cartilage is to your body.28 mins
- 4. Awesome OxygenThe doctors reveal why your body can't survive without oxygen for more than three minutes.28 mins
- 5. Super SalivaThe doctors reveal how amazing your saliva is, and catch up with patients Ruby and Tola.28 mins
- 6. Extraordinary EyesThe doctors reveal the cells in your eyes which help you to see.28 mins
- 7. Germ-FightersThe doctors reveal the amazing army of germ fighters that make up your immune system.28 mins
- 8. Big Burps!The doctors find out why we burp and film Dr Xand burping from the inside.28 mins
- 9. Pancreas PowerThe doctors reveal the job your pancreas does to keep your blood sugar levels in check.28 mins
- 10. Jaw-Dropping JawsThe doctors reveal the strength of your jaw, and try being hospital ward chefs.28 mins