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Big Lizard - Series 1: 48. How to Speak Lizard - Audio Described
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Episodes Episodes
- Series 1: 1. The Day We LandedCosima and Dad crash-land on an unexplored planet, Proxima B, and meet Big Lizard!7 mins
- Series 1: 2. The Trouble with TrilobitesWhen a pack of trilobites overrun the ship, Big Lizard uses a new skill to lure them away.7 mins
- Series 1: 3. How We Met DunkCosima and Big Lizard find Dunk stranded on a beach and rush to help.7 mins
- Series 1: 4. The Day We Met AmmonBig Lizard takes Cosima and Dad on an underwater adventure to meet the tentacled Ammon.7 mins
- Series 1: 5. Dad's DiscoveryA rockfall traps Dad, Cosima and Big Lizard in a cave!7 mins
- Series 1: 6. The Missing VolleyballWhen Twig steals Cosima's volleyball, a chase leads Big Lizard and Cosima to her den!7 mins
- Series 1: 7. How to HoverboardCosima and Big Lizard's solar-powered hoverboards run out of battery at nightfall.7 mins
- Series 1: 8. Hot and ColdVolcanic smoke blocks all three suns, and Big Lizard becomes worryingly cold.7 mins
- Series 1: 9. How to Work TogetherDad shares his explorer notebook with Cosima and Big Lizard.7 mins
- Series 1: 10. When We Lost D.O.R.I.S.'s BrainA creature takes D.O.R.I.S.'s brain, so Cosima and Big Lizard chase it into the forest...7 mins
- Series 1: 11. Happy CampersCosima and Big Lizard camp out with a little crab.7 mins
- Series 1: 12. All About HomeCosima wants to tell Big Lizard all about her life on earth, no matter what the cost.7 mins
- Series 1: 13. When Dad SleepwalkedWhen Dad begins sleepwalking, Cosima and Big Lizard follow him to discover why.7 mins
- Series 1: 14. How to Record SoundCosima and Big Lizard record some cosmic nature sounds for Dad.7 mins
- Series 1: 15. The Triple EclipseCosima and Big Lizard race against time to watch a cosmic triple eclipse!7 mins
- Series 1: 16. Crystals!Cosima is jealous of Big Lizard's beautiful crystal.7 mins
- Series 1: 17. The CocoonCosima and Big Lizard chase a cocoon-stealing dragonfly, armed with a vacuum cleaner!7 mins
- Series 1: 18. Dad's BirthdayCosima accuses Big Lizard of eating Dad's birthday cake.7 mins
- Series 1: 19. Best Friends ForeverCosima needs to reassure Big Lizard that he is definitely her best friend forever.7 mins
- Series 1: 20. MagnetiteWhen D.O.R.I.S.鈥檚 satnav breaks, Big Lizard teaches Cosima how she to find her way.7 mins
- Series 1: 21. The Problem PlantBig Lizard steals Dad's special plant from the ship... and just in time!7 mins
- Series 1: 22. The Sea Meteorite!A meteorite lands in the sea, and Dad claims it for science. But the animals want it back.7 mins
- Series 1: 23. Astronaut Health CheckDad needs some training to pass his astronaut fitness test.7 mins
- Series 1: 24. How to Fix a TyreWhen the buggy gets a flat tyre, Big Lizard stumbles across a natural solution.7 mins
- Series 1: 25. Cosima in ChargeCosima is left in charge for a day and accidentally hosts a massive party.7 mins
- Series 1: 26. Happy Proximas!Is it Christmas? It could be! Or maybe it's a unique and perfect 'Proximas'!7 mins
- Series 1: 27. The Day Ammon Overcame Her FearAmmon overcomes her fear to rescue Cosima and Big Lizard from the rapids.7 mins
- Series 1: 28. The Night of the SlugBig Lizard and Cosima go on a night-time mission to rehome a persistent, sleepless slug!7 mins
- Series 1: 29. The Shiny FruitCosima and Big Lizard find some slippery fruit but struggle to carry it back to the ship.7 mins
- Series 1: 30. Dad's DroneIn order to fly Dad's drone, Big Lizard tries to go a whole day without breaking anything.7 mins
- Series 1: 31. A Medical EmergencyWhilst playing with a stethoscope, Cosima discovers a starfish with no heartbeat!7 mins
- Series 1: 32. All Out of MarmaladeBig Lizard shows Cosima a plant that's growing huge Proximan oranges.7 mins
- Series 1: 33. After the StormAfter a storm passes, poor Rex is nowhere to be seen...7 mins
- Series 1: 34. The River PicnicThe river creatures are behaving oddly, and Dad's tea might have something to do with it.7 mins
- Series 1: 35. The Overfriendly NeighboursBig Lizard and Cosima become unwilling house guests to some overfriendly creatures!7 mins
- Series 1: 36. The LessonD.O.R.I.S. gives Cosima and Big Lizard a lesson on friction - just in time to help Dad!7 mins
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