Science & Nature
Tribe (2005)
The original documentary series from 2005 where Bruce Parry visits indigenous communities around the world, spending a month living and interacting with each society.
Series 1: 1. Adi (59 mins)
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- Series 3: 6. PenanBruce Parry treks into the jungles of Sarawak in search of the last nomadic Penan.59 mins
- Series 3: 5. LayapBruce Parry treks into the high Bhutan mountains to live with the isolated Layap people.59 mins
- Series 3: 4. AkieBruce Parry spends time with the Akie people of Tanzania, who live on the savannah.59 mins
- Series 3: 3. AnutaBruce Parry sails to the island of Anuta, a remote tropical outpost in the South Pacific.59 mins
- Series 3: 2. NenetsExplorer Bruce Parry spends a month with Nenet reindeer herders in Northern Siberia.59 mins
- Series 3: 1. MatisExplorer Bruce Parry travels to the Amazon rainforest to live with the Matis.59 mins
- Series 2: 3. DassanechBruce Parry takes part in a terrifying crocodile hunt.59 mins
- Series 2: 2. HamarBruce Parry stays with a tribe whose men prove themselves by jumping over a line of cows.58 mins
- Series 2: 1. NyangatomExplorer Bruce Parry stays with the fearsome Nyangatom tribe.59 mins
- Series 1: 6. SanemaBruce Parry spends time with the Sanema people on the Venezuelan and Brazilian border.59 mins
- Series 1: 5. DarhadBruce Parry joins the nomadic Darhad herders of Mongolia on their winter migration.59 mins
- Series 1: 4. BabongoExplorer Bruce Parry takes part in the initiation rite of the Babongo tribe of Gabon.59 mins
- Series 1: 3. KombaiBruce Parry attempts to discover whether cannibalism still exists amongst the Kombai.59 mins
- Series 1: 2. SuriExplorer Bruce Parry spends time living with the Suri people of Ethiopia.59 mins
- Series 1: 1. AdiBruce Parry joins the Adi people of Arunchal Pradesh in the Himlayas in their daily lives.59 mins