Who do you think should be Joseph? Tell us what you love about Keith, Lee or Lewis. Send us your comments now and we'll publish the best on this page.
LEE!!! WINNER!!! ALL THE WAY!! well done chick, your really amazing, plus your girlfirend is very lucky!! good luck in the west end xxxxxxx
Debbie + Josh
hi everyone we thought they both were great Josh prefered keith but somehow debbie knew lee would win. but oh well good luck in the future to both!!!! xxx
Although I wanted Keith to win Well done Lee xx
FAB!! Knew you could do it!! I'll be in London soon!! xx
Ben Fan
Ben you are great, you shone in the group tonight, hope to see you on a stage near me soon!!! x x x
well done lee bad luck keith u were both amazin!! good luck in the future!!xxxxxxxxx
well deserved. the right man one!
Congratulations Lee!!!!you were amazing throughout. Tonight you were awesome. You're gonna be a brilliant Joseph!!!Good luck babes.
What an fantastic final!Pure entertainment...thank you.I really look forward to seeing the show in the West End.Go Go Joseph!Congratulations Lee.
Lee is head and shoulders over Keith. It will be an utter travesty if he doesn't win!! Go lee! You are destined for great things!
well done to lee knew you would do it will be watching you in the west end xxx
this is the best show ever.i am 11 and in 5 months i'll be 12.my best singeron the show is Keith.
Can you put hi-res caps on your gallery. Especially hi-res caps of the auditions. :drool:
LEE should definately win! There's no reason for him not to win this competition! He's got everything! Looks, voice, grandeure, everything! Please win!Dennis from the Netherlands!
Lee to win, you are the best!
Lewis you were fab and by far the best joseph, the votes have gone wrong.Youll go far and come better out of it than the rest.We cried when you were out and thats me and my husband!!Chin up chuck.x
lewis lover
i am soooo upset that you went tonight but i think youwill go far as an actor and singer. dont worry you tried your best and thats all you can do :)
I love you Keith. I want you to win so my Mum and Dad will take me to London to see you. I'm only 6 but I still want you to be my boyfriend,
about lewis (again!)...wanted to hug u during the close every door...good luck to a successful career xxx
lee will win he has all the makings of a star...
What a final 2! Keith has got that something different, Somehow can't help thinking Keith will do fab things no matter what the outcome. Lee on the other hand, not sure how he will cope with the rejection after being the understudy for so long! Good uck tot the both of them and thanks for all the entertainment! x x x x
you were the best tonight. you shouldnt have left.good luck in the future!
Keith you really really deserve to win your one amazing talented young man good luck tonight although im sure you will do fantastic :] x
Lee to win. He has everything!Keith has a sweet voice but he still looks like a little boy.
Vicki from Newcastle
Middlesbrough is the closest to me an Lewis has an amazing voice and I wanted him to win from the start and he is going to have such a great career! XXXXX
keith fan
i scared to say will lee win? he looks the part!
Come on Lee!!! LEE 2 WIN!!!
I'm still in shock about Lewis going. Hope ALW makes a chance for his talent elsewhere. Whatever you perform in Lewis, my family will be there supporting you.
i voted for LEWIS over 17 times! i cant beleive he's gone and i cant stop crying!!!!!!!!!
Rob xx
Lee you are AMAZING! You have to WIN!
WELSH LEE Lover!!!!!!!!!
LEE was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! He shoud Win if Kieth wins i'll be devestated! LEE ROCKS! He's my Joseph! GO LEE!!!Make it All the WAY!!!!!!!!!
Go Lee!!!!!!!!! you can do it
Lewis you're brilliant! Even though you havn't managed to get the part of Joseph, I'm sure that someday you'll be a star and everyone will be buying tickets to see you. There are so many people out here who love you. Just keep on believing in yourself! xxx
i love lee
Lewis you were fantastic tonight you will go far Good Luck xxx
Lewis, you were fantastic tonight. You have grown so much in confidence. Don't be downhearted that you didn't win (admittedly I cried) You are still so young and have the world in front of you. You will do great thingsAll the bestChris x
Keith you are fantastic, fantastic, fantastic. i would luv to do a duet with him because his voice has such a soft and bueatiful touch that just has to be joseph!!!!!!!!!!!!
Omg Lewis Wen Out!He Should Have So Won!Oh Well Like Andrew Said He Will Still Make It The West End Stage!!Your So Hot Lewis, I Cried Wen You Went Out!! Love You And Lots Of Love And Hope For The Future...I Know Yor'll Go Far xxx
Come on Keith! I know you can do it, you've never been in a sing off, you weren't off pitch, but I don't think it as fair having such a difficult song that was too low for your vocal range at the beginning - however, you handled it well, and I'm sure that whatever the outcome of the next hour, you will go so far. I love you xxxx
Lewis you were amazing tonight, you have the talent and ability to go far. Well done
Best of luck lee you will be an amazing Joseph may this be your lucky break from understudy to rising star as you are the best one for the role Go Lee Go Lee
If Lee doesn't win, I'm selling my tickets or ripping them up! GO LEE!
Suzie Brixton
Lee for Joseph! I want his babies! xxx
Lewis, you definitely saved your best until last, like any "showman". You look the part, you act the part, you sound the part. You were the right guy, and will have a career. People love you, keep believing. Here are 18 kisses, cos like you I was 18 this week. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Go Chris!
You have the coolest teeth around!
Lee, you ARE my Joseph!!!!
I really think that Lewis should stay because he deserves to. Lee is good!! keith is awsome!!! ^-^ I like all three of them but who will be joseph?
Coffee Can
Lee for the win! You've got all it takes and more to become a superstar. I'm right behind you. Best of luck!
I think Keith should wear the many coloured coat and should be known as Keith Joseph, not Keith Jack!
I voted for Lewis tonight because I think he's fantastic and I was crying and shocked he came third.However, Lee has always been *my* choice for Joseph (I also voted for him). As they say in the business "Break a Leg" Lee! Lee we all know you can be our Joseph!Karen
Lewis is by far the best actor out of the three. You can see real emotion in his eyes. He interprets the songs brilliantly. I don't care what anyone says LEWIS is made for Joseph! I voted for him and put his picture up in my house window to drum up supprt on my estate in the Boro.
lewis i was so sad to see you leave in this crucial stage of the competition, i would have paid to see you on stage in the west end, and im sure in the future you will be there.!! I'll keep my eyes open for your name in lights.
Huge Lee Fan!
okay I got my vote in - yeah! If you get in Lee I'm booking tickets to see the show!
I think Lee will win because he is a more accomplished performer but Keith has a better voice.Why not have Keith as understudy?I'm sure his time will come.Good luck to both.Great show.
well done to u all, u are all amazing lads, keep on with your dreams. lee is joseph, essex will go far
You might of came 3rd but your no way a looser! your a winner in my eyes ! Well done lewis !!!
Here's the Superstar of the future. This man has the voice, interpretation,stage presence, professionalism and pure magic of a trully GREAT star. Looking forward to seeing you staring across the globe. Elaine
I thought they were all brilliant tonight. I think Lewis has great charm and Keith a beautiful voice but Lee is my ultimate favourite.
keith is so awesome! he definatly deserves to win! GO GO GO KEITH!! x x x x
Irish gal !!
ahhh!I WANT LEE 2 WIN!!Its soo bad I cant vote for you over here in Ireland.You have the full west-end package- voice looks and stage presance and really deserve to WIN!!
You are still a winner!!Good Luck with your career in Musical theatre!!
All i can say Lewis is,"WELL DONE".you may not have won joseph, but you've won so many hearts! beause you "HAVE" such a "TALENT" Xx
Lewis, my 10 year old son has voted for you every week. He sobbed when you were knocked out. You've done fantasically well ... good luck with the start of your career - we'll certainly see you in the West End soon!
Lewis didn't deserve to go! He was the best in the contest and no matter how many times i voted it obviously wasn't enough. Lewis is a winner in my eyes and always will be. I will be there first getting my tickets to see him in the west end very soon. All the best for the future Lewis.Cassy xXx
You were amazing tonight Lewis! ok so the public didn't believe you were Joseph on this occasion but just one look at where the other Marias got to and you know you have a huge career ahead of you! Good luck in everything you do Ill be watching out for you xx
Lee is fantastic, holds the stage, never fails to give a great performance and what a body let alone face ...LEE YOU'RE A STAR
I thought they were all brilliant tonight. I think Lewis has great charm and Keith a beautiful voice but Lee is my ultimate favourite.
Lewis was great and deserves to be on stage in the West End. BUt WE NEED LEE MEAD - Come one gorgeous nearly there.
That was your best performance to date! That was pure musicality! Your training and dedication shined through!! You should be so proud of yourself! To have gone so far at such a young age!! I have every confidence that we shall be seeing you on the West End andn silver screen for many years to come!
Love 4 all Josephs!!!
It's really sad to see Lewis's gone. Well done!!Lewis. You'll be a greater star in the near feature!!.Just believe in yourself.I cannot choose the right Joseph between Lee and Keith. They are both amazing!!! Either of them will do for me. I have no choice but to wait and see who am I meeting on 19th July. BTW, So glad to see all of Josephs on the final. Especially I missed Daniel and Chris B soooo much!!!I hope I can see them in the West End at the end!!!However, I want to say that I love all 12 josephs!!!
Lewis where will we see you next? You should have won...."007 The Musical" by Andrew Lloyd Webber? Get writing Andrew please he needs a leading role written by you.
LEE TO WIN! he is fantastic. He can and will do spectaculer things with the character. If he does not win i shall cry and cry and cry. GO LEE GO!
lewis fan
its so unfair that lewis didn't win i started crying and not even my mum can stop me. lewis is such a star and he will go far. xxx
Lewis is amazing! i can't believe he's out. i love lewis! xx
Mrs King, Ireland
I have watch Lewis all of the time, He will go far, he is fantastic. Thank you Lewis you are brilliant. Happy 18th Birthday.
Sally H
Lewis you are an absolute star, can't believe you're not Joseph. Best wishes for your fab future, you deserve every success! Stay the nice guy you are....Voted for you 4 times!
Lee for Joseph!!!! He is amazing, so much stage presence. I love Michael Ball but Lee could just challenge him for best leading man!!!!
Barry Brighton
well done lewis we all love you hope too see u in the spotlight soon. keep ur head up.
Omg lewis n lee were amazin n are both reli good singers,actors and dancers, i was reli sad wen lewis went but i hope that lee ends up getting it because he doesn't want it for the fame or money and has worked so hard to get to were he has.. also i think that it is horibble to buly people just because they like singing and dancing and i totally think that lewis was reli good!!
you shdn't hv bn votd out!!!!!! you r the bst and very cute!!!!!! couldn't belive it i broke my heart when you were voted out ........... i voted for you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I cried so hard when Lee got kicked off. He was the best Joseph there could ever be.
lewis fan
well done lewis you were a true star tonight and its a shame other ppl cant seem to see that. i thaughtt you were amazing and good luck with future career. xxx
Lewis , you should be so very proud of yourself .You were fantastic tonight . One day the stage will be yours . Just hold that dream /
Tanith in Cyprus
Wtg Lee hun! Only wish I could be watching the show this evening....thinking of you and epping my fingers crossed! Well done to all the finalists and may the best man win!
well done lewis u wer really gud 2nite! kiss was ur best performance i think! well done on gettin so far! so hopefully now keith wins! i luv him! :D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
jenny & robin
Well done Lewis - you were brilliant! Keep smiling & keep performing.
Poor poor Lewis what yo gonna doWhatever it is you will be great
upset person
NOOOOO lewis should not have gone!!!!!! i cant stop cryin please bring him back pleeeaaasseee!!!!
Lee to WIN, WIN, WIN, he has been brilliant throughout the whole show.
Keith Lover
Lewis You Where Amazing Tonight! Hate To See You Go..I Think Lee Is Keiths Biggest Competition But Never The Less Keith To Win!! (Already Voted 10 Times) x
Lee is fantastic, holds the stage, never fails to give a great performance and what a body let alone face ...LEE YOU'RE A STAR
Liz T
Lee Lee Lee Lee you have been the best from the start a true star you have to win or the phone bill will be a waste. Lee to WIN
Im 37, mum is her 70's! and we are both in the throes of a Lee crush (will we ever grow up?) Hotness aside, he is Joseph. Go Lee, you deserve it...
I am so sorry you didnt make it i was nearly cryin. i voted for you but hey.its over but you still get to be on the west m#1 fan!
Lewis, I'm gutted you didn't win but have every faith in you for the future. I know you will make it and I'm still a huge Lewis fan. You rock!!!
LEE is so amazing he has to win! lee is the leeding man !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jo on lee!!
hannah! :)
lewis was good tonight... he will go far! :) he is a real show man
I LOVE LEWIS!!! you should have won! i will definately come to see you in whatever show you get into!!!! i know you will
Keith you are fantastic fantastic fantastic!!youve had my vote - twicexxx
LEE TO WIN!! He is amazing quite right that he should have been spotted earlier...Keith is very talented..its a shame starlight express isnt running any more he would be the perfect rusty..wont know what to do with next saturday night thanks for a great series xx
i'm so sorry lewis, you were by far the best joseph in my eyes. you are a star and i wish you the best of luck for your career! xxx
I'm a 30 year old woman who's NEVER been a 'groupy' until now!!!...Lee, I will support you in whatever life chooses for you. You're a true inspiration.
Keithhes sexyhoti love himgreat voice
Go on lee dont give up now!Give it your all!!!
COME ON LEE!!!!!!!!!!You ARE Joseph......and hot
Kitty Trang
This is a great show. I think the public did make a right decision this time. Lewis could be Joseph but he doesn't look as confidence as Lee and Keith. I know Lee will win. All the best to all of the Joseph with their future carrer. Graham Norton , you crack this show so well.
omg keith all the way..hes amazin!!!!! GO KEiTH :P
Karen & Rebecca
LEE IS JOSEPH!!Nothing more need be said.BRILLIANT!
Sue aka MsCreativity
LEE - my hubby and I have supported you from the get-go. You HAVE to be Joseph - you were made for the part. We can't wait to come and see you when you're finally in the role you've worked so hard for - you deserve it.
Well Done Lewis, I Think you were amazing. you will defenetly get a leading part. I Have A Huge Crush On You And Will Follow Whatever you do. Love you xx
Eileen Garske
Lewis was amazing this week the best he has ever been. I am sure we will be seeing more of this young man. Good luck Lewis
I don't think Lewis should have gone out, there has never been a blond Joseph, i thought Lewis really sorted the part.I LOVE YOU LEWIS - go, go, go Lewis, You make it ANYWAY.You are always the winner in my eyes!!
...I have just watched the first bit of tonight's 'Any dream will do' and I'm really sad that Lewis got sent out. He would have made the perfect Joseph! I think that out of the final two(Lee and Keith), that Lee will definitely get the part. You could hear the audience cheering him on, when he was singing his songs. I think that both 'Josephs' should go for it and whoever wins, WELL DONE!
Keith you are FANTASTIC . I was screaming in front of the tv when you went through to the final 2. You are so cute and you sang for me tonight like a dream. I am 8 and half English and half Frenmch and I am your number one fan . Good luck from Margaux (hope you liked my letter and drawings)
lewis was the winner!!:(i loved himinit!!!
Belgium girl
I watched the show from the beginning in Belgium and I loved from the first time I heard it, the voice of Keith! You are super!!!!
Lee HAS to win!! His voice is incredible and his stage presence is amazing. And of course he is GORGEOUS
OH MY GOSH! What a final. Each of you deserves to make it big in the West End and I am convinced you will. I have never been that much of a fan of Lewis before tonight but he came out and gave two brilliant performances - Well done! As for the final two - COME ON LEE!!!
I have promised my girls we go to the show if Lee gets in - same promise about Connie and we have tickets for that show in Aug.
...I have just watched the first bit of tonight's 'Any dream will do' and I'm really sad that Lewis got sent out. He would have made the perfect Joseph! I think that out of the final two(Lee and Keith), that Lee will definitely get the part. You could hear the audience cheering him on, when he was singing his songs. I think that both 'Josephs' should go for it and whoever wins, WELL DONE!
Xavier LeBeau
Really sorry to see ytou go Lewis. For us the competition is now purely academic. Sadly, living in France we couldn't vote otherwise you'd have had at least two more added to your total. Joseph is my favourite musical and I shall always see you Lewis in the rome when I play my well worn old fashioned audio tape.
lewis you should have won! you were my joseph all the way. I think the public made the wrong choice! If not lewis than Lee! The show is not worth watching without Lee as the star! GOO lEEE
Sophie May - The Les Mis song was "Empty Chairs at empty tables" I think.
Amy Prosser
I have a crush on Keith so Good Luck Keith
Lee is definatlyey the best one for the job good luck lee me and my family have backed u from the beggining u can do it!!!
Emily Cooper
I can't even begin to describe how upset I am that Lewis went out! I loved him so much, his dancing was incredible tonight! His voice was awesome and I thought he was much better than Keith and Lee! Lewis' performances gave me goosebumps and he had such elegance and style. I am devastated that he went, he wanted this role so badly and nobody else deserved it more than Lewis. I am 100% confident that he will go on to be a star! This has just been a stepping stone to get him started - he WILL be a leading man on the West End and I will be there following his progress. Thank you Lewis for giving me this much enjoyment, and you have inspired thousands of young people to get involved in musical theater! I am still going to keep my two posters of you on my bedroom wall because you are still MY Joseph! The public are mad to have let you go!My best wishes also go to all your family. Good Luck to you Lewis and I look forward to seeing you on that West End stage in the near future as you are so amazing! Lots of love Emily Cooper XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Poppy (age 7)
Lewis found it difficult at the begining but then he started to get better every week. I think Lewis should have won because he was the best one tonight.
I want Lee to win because he's the best singer, and also because he LOOKS like he will make the better Joseph.. My Mum Suzanne agrees with me but my little sister Kayla thinks Thingy will win (Keith)
Maria C
With my name being Maria, when the trio sang Maria I was made to believe they were singing to me. What a wonderful final so far. At this point, I feel sorry for Lewis but one cannot deny that they are all winners having reached this far. Well done and good luck for the future.
I was dissapointed that Lewis went out - but Lee all the way. maybe Keith could play a brother?
I love Keith
Keith was sooooooooooo amazing tonight and he was sick he has to win it!!!!
Rebecca Goodman
I was so sad when Lewis went out that I cried my eyes out, I want to say good luck to Kieth and Lee and that Lewis will have to play an understudy or something like that cos' he would make the PERFECT Joseph!!!-- and I LOVE HIM
I think lewis has done so well and he looks like josheph and his singing and dancing is brilliant! So Go GO Go Lewis.
Please, please tell us what's up with Daniel! We miss him so much and are desperate to hear how he's doing with life after Joseph?!He and Lee were in a totally different league. Go boys!Best of luck and lots of love xxx
kirsty from scotland
i want lee to win but i still cried when lewis went! they are 3 amazing guys good luck to them all
Kayle age 8
Keith is the best I really really want him to wim even though my mum voted for Lee I think Keith is the best GO KEITH
I think they all deserved to be in the final =D they r all very talented. Lee is my personal favourite- he's got the whole package. but Keith has a Very good voice too. Whoever wins I'm going to watch it in the west end because Joseph is such an amazing musical. =D
KEITH YOU ARE BRILLIANT, BRILLIANT, BRILLIANT!!! I'm soo proud of you!! You deserve to be in the final and the ultimate joseph!! good luck!! I know you can do this!! show the public what you are made off!! GO GO GO KEITH!!!! XXX
Go LEE!youre the best!
keith had the poorest songs for the final which did not do him justice.The other two finalists were given much better songs.
Lara from Suffolk
Lee is definitely Joseph. Keith has a good voice, but he's not Joseph. Lee should win this he's incredible.
Im soo disapointed that only one can become joseph. Why can't they all be one
Jenny D IOM
They are such strong performances. But I have to say Lee's performance of New York was outstanding.I'm sorry Lewis had to go, but he's young and I know that with a bit of work, we'll be seein him soon! No matter which way this goes, we haven't seen the last of these lads!Good luck guys!
Rosie Posie
I think Lewis really deserved this role - he brought such a young, fresh quality to Joseph, that the other lads lack.
I am so sorry that Lewis has lost his place in the final. I have a big crush on him and I am still crying over his departure. At leat Lewis is taking better than me...he really is turning into a true professional.
I was sad to see luis come third. i think he should have won. He has a great voice and deserved to be in the final. i thought keith would have came third. Anyway good luck luis you are great singer and should find a job in singing. xx
lee is going to win he was far the best in the show from the start my daughter wants keith to win and i want lee so i can tell you the atmosphere in this house is hot at the moment but what does she know she is only 8 and she dont know what a great singer lee is bless hahaha go on lee make my day night and year ill be there to see ya if it kills me
lewis ure amazing, never forget that!
Jess and Emily
KEITH!!!! WOW!! GO N BEAT LEE. Dont look so worried cuz you are gonna win! No question! You can only do you best! and your best is good enough! Good Luck (not like you'l need it!) you are 'fantastic fantastic fantastic'! You can do it! KEITH RULES!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxx
Bad luck Lewis! I think you deserved to make the final cut - you are a real performer, with some sparkle. I'm sure 'Joseph's' loss will be another shows gain...
Diana Turner
Lewis wasn't my favourite earlier in the contest but tonight he was fabulous - the best I have heard him sing to date.He is absolutely a Star and will be following this up very soon with a success.
Im really upset that Lewis didnt win! I thought for the entire competition he has been nothing short of amazing and should have gone all the way!Lewis is the best and should have won!!!
Lewis baby, no way did you deserve to go!!! You have such a nice body and during the kissing scene with denise you managed to keep it together, and not laugh like a silly school kid like lee did. I do not see y lee is in this competition if he already has his contacts to become an understudy and can then possibly become a leading man if he tries hard enough. Lewis keep fighting an I really hope to see you in the westend, keep following your dream, you are a real inspiration to people like me meaning that if you follow your dream you can do whatever you feel and go far. Good look in what ever you choose to do next. Keep shining brightly like the star that you are. Love you for ever and ever!!!
Lewis, you are fantastic- as ALW said, "You will be in the West End." You are amazing- you should have been in the final two. Izzy xxxxX
Katie Hill
i cant belive lewis has gone out. i cryed!!!!! love you lewis!
I don't know why we're even bothering holding a final for this show. There is and always has been one clear winner. Sprinting away with the role week after week.....LEE!!! Yes, and it also helps that he's stunningly hot!
As a regular theatre goer I look first for the voice because after the first few rows in the stalls faces are unseen and irrelevent. Keith is the voice, no doubt about that.
Jan C
Lee really blew them away on the big band numbers.Has by far the greatest stage presence!I think Joseph will just be the start of great West end career! Go Go Go Lee!!
lee is da bestist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lee is the best
I LOVE LEEhe's amazingshame lewis is out he has the lovliest personality.+ keiths viose is amazing+ i think he did brilliantly with his tonsalitus but lee is an amazing all round performer + singer and he's sexy =]lee to win =DDD
I am so sorry Lewis, you would have been a brilliant Joseph. Won't get my trip to the West End now cos it won't be the same without you.
Lee just has to win!
Oh what a loss! Lewis was by far the most genuine performer, the contestant who progressed the most, endured the most, the most convincing voice, musical theater artist and an incredible dancer! The tears rolled down my face in the sing off.............Lewis SHOULD have been Joseph! Perhaps Andrew could write a 007 Musical? Obvious who would take the title role! LEWIS!
Huge Lee Fan!
Trying to vote for Lee but can't get through - hopefully its a good sign that every-one is voting for Lee.LEE TO WIN!!!!!!!!!!
WOW what a show...so sorry to see Lewis go but i know thats not the last we've heard of him...so difficult to decide between Lee and Keith they are both so talented. I live in switzerland and would fly over to London to see either of them play Joseph. GOOD LUCK xx
Please everyone vote for Lee he is so professional and good looking and he has a good pyshic. Just the right Joseph. I dont think Lewis should have gone out to-night. Dont let Keith win, although he has talent.
So sorry to see Lewis go. Lewis, you should have been Joseph. Good luck with everything you do and I hope to see you in the West End soon. x Siska from Holland
Lewis so sorry you're not Joseph. Good luck with your future career. I know you will be a big star.
Congratulations Lewis, you were incredible, and were my second favorite. You are lovely and im sure have a bright future ahead of you.Now it just remains for me to say:COME ON LEE!!!!!!!!!
\i just don't understand it. Lewis is a fun, charming, good looking guy with fantastic singing and acting skills. i cannot see what it is the voters don't like about him. he's had my vote everytime.
I'm 4 and I cried and cried when Lewis got voted off. I've gone to bed with a photo of him.
alison mendoza
you did very very well
Yet again lee you have knocked the others out of the water. We all know there can only be one Joseph and that person is LEE MEAD !!!!!! you are phenomenal (and outrageously sexy) !!! finger on the redail as we speak ! Good Luck !
lewis really shone tonight! he blew me away!!!! xXx
Nooooooooooooooooooo I can't belive Lewis went... I was nearly in tears.Lewis you will make it, and as a soon as you do I'll be there in the front row cheering for you.
Lee has got to win he is soooo sexy and makes every song his own. Vote Lee!!!
ben should have been in the final with lemis and lee.
Deeply sorry to see Lewis go =( I wanted him to win...wishing him all my luck in the future xx
emma and alex
we love lewis loads!he's so pretty.I think he should be a singer after this. so sad he didnt win :(
come on lee you can do it u blew me away just now amazing. u have to win
Jo (aspiring perfomer)
Just want to say good luck to all the boys who have taken part in this as the final 12, you are all brill and will go far. well done to you all, i hope to see you all in the west end!!!Good luck Lee!
OMG, Lewis was the best bu far, what is everyone thinking by voting him off. I have lost faith in the British Public
Lewis Fan
Lewis, you should not have gone tonight! I lost count of how many times i voted for you! You were great and you've done so well to get this far!! Well Done!!! x
Lewis is awesome. He is definitely my Joseph. I have a massive crush on him too!!!!
Keith has to win he has by for the best voice for more better than Lee!!!!!
My mate and I so want Keith to win cos we love him so much. If he doesn't win we'll be gutted he is so cute. xxxxx
Girl from west lothian
I have a huge crush on keith he's soooooo cute I love him xxxxxx
I think Lewis would have made a fantastic Joseph, i honestly don't think the show is worth seeing now Lewis is out, he is my number one Joseph! He is so good looking and also looks like a Joseph and he sings amazingly! Love him! xxxxx
well done lewis you were amazing, you have a fab career ahead and i look forward to seeing you on the west end. chin up dude.
I know lewis will do well on stage! Even if he didnt win this competition...he will go far!...xxxxxx
I love you lewis, it made me cry when you didnt win you deserve to win but dont worry you will get far, just believe in yourself xx
Mark Milton-Edwards
Their sould be a mini one, for 11 year olds to 14 year olds.
Lee is destined to win
Lewis i am so sorry uwent tonight lee hope you win tonight
Come on lee we luv yooh!
I cried during the ending.
I tried 4 times to vote for Lewis and the line was not available
i think lee and keith and lewis have done so well xx ann
go keith if joseph is meant to look good than keith could so easily be him already
UNBELIEVABLE that lewis was knocked out.what a fantastic person and performer he is, and such a good sport.we're watching out for you!xxx
cant believe lewis has gone :( :( he was fab! keith 2 win hes a proper star hes gonna go far... GO GO GO KEITH from all ur swansea fans x x x x WE LOVE U x x x
kieth is the best i watched tonights pwerformance and he IS
Rosein, Scotland
Keith is such a hotty :D. I hope he wins, he would be the best Joseph ever even though he is a fellow Scot. Go Keith :D xx
Amy Parten
I think Lewis and Daniel should be joseph because they can both sing and are both REALLY good looking!!!
Lewis u r fantastic!
I know its not to do with this show but can Carrie Fisher put out an CD of show songs what a voiceask her please
Lee to win both lewis and kieth sing from there noises!!! Lee all the way
Esther - Louise
hey, I love all the guys in the final but hold a soft spot for Lewis, and as a dancer/singer/actress myself and would love to work with one of them or all of them, or have one or all of them to come to our dance school in Coventry. Lewis to win!!!!!
o my gosh i think that keith should win all the way!!! so jelous of his girlfriend!!! lol good luck to all of them!!! xxx
lee is amazing, his performance of new york new york was the performance of the series! he is truely THE joseph - the lines are too busy to get through but we support him so much and he WILL have an international career tomorrow!!! by far the best (the other two are good - but lee is THE one)jane and xanthe in woking
Its me again! i luv all of them but yet again i will have to go with Lee. Keith is great and has a really nice personality. Lewis is really good and is really young but has such a great voice. They are all fab but still i am stuck with Lee and love him so much.Bye.
Lewis is so cute and he is the best joesph u could ever ask for. So go Lewis give it all u have got. Go Go Go Lewis u know what they say that u will make it some day for joesph. YOU ROCK LEWIS.
Have you noticed how much kieth looks like john B :)
The Boro Babes
LEWIS All The Way. Not Only Is Lewis A Total Hottie But He is A Great Singer And Definetly Should Be Joseph. The Judges Should Stop Being Soo Harsh. We Are Behind You All The Way Up Here In The Boro We All Know You Can Do It. Luv U Loads Hannah, Bracey & Hannah x
If Lee doesnt win this isnt worth while. But if he does my dad promises to take me !! GO LEE!GO LEE!
I love Lee! I'm Annie and i really want Lee to win! He's amazing and he was so great in the duet he did! no one else could have sung like that! I hope that Lee will be able to read this and know that im the only one that has left a comment for him!!!! That just shows how much i want him to win.Your great Lee!xxx
Lee has got the voice, the showmanship and the sex appeal
*Gasps for breath!!wow what a final. Lee made it with Newyork Newyork but they all deserve to win
He is fantastic - if he loses tonight it's because Lloyd-Webber knocked his confidence at the last moment.
alice xox
LEE TO WIN!!!LEE TO WIN!!!LEE is the BEST!!!!he has to win..!!LEE TO WIN!!
keith!definatley!charming smiles, great stage presence, and the audience is always having fun when hes on stagei would do anything for keith 2 win!mwa mwa x
LEWIS all the way! Lweis should win because he has tryed really really hard this week and i think he is the best at crying anyway!
Sophie may
i think lee or keith should be joseph they are not cocky about the role and have the best voices.what song of Les miserables did they sing last week?
Emily sloan
the program is the best on tv at the moment. I have been voting every week.
i think lee will win beause he has the best voice and some peole has voted for him i voted for him because he willl get the part !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Come on Lee we will be voting like mad for you! we have booked the tickets already and its you we want to see!
Go Go Lee! You are Joseph and that has been very clear from the start!! We all love u! xx
Keith is tottaly awesome! He has got a strong voice and is really good in the show. He should be your favourite Joseph too!
i love all 3 but if i had to choose it would be lewis because he has a grat voice, right for the party and many great things!
I really have got this massive crush on Lewis,I think he look's like a Joseph. Also my friend as a crush on Lewis but not as much as me.
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