Introducing: Johndeep More
From: Birmingham
Age: 23
Occupation: Office Administrator
Why should you be Joseph?
Like Joseph, I can be crazy, loud, highly energized, sometimes vulnerable, and other times quiet. I am truly passionate about music and performance and I would love the chance to show that on a stage. Everything happens for a reason in life, and this is mine, I wouldn't be here or have those who believe in me if I didn't know that I could be Joseph, and I have to remember that!
Career highlight so far?
This definitely has to be it! It's the biggest thing that has happened for me and I feel so lucky and fortunate that I can stand here as a potential Joseph! Wow!
Dream role?
Joseph of course! Duh! Erm... oh, I would love to be Simba from 'The Lion King' too! Marius in 'Les Miserables' maybe? One just isn't enough!
Favourite song?
I love too many, but one that does immediately spring to mind is 'Run to you' by the great Whitney Houston, fantastic! And 'Lately' by the legend himself, Mr Stevie Wonder.
I actually, believe it or not, love the gym! I love theatre and music of course, reading when I get the time, and more music! Seeing friends and family, which often leads to crazy nights out! I love food as well.