These contain some examples of vulgar language.
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(* = familiar, ** = very familiar, *** = vulgar, s = slang, Lit. = Literally)
Bombastisch! (**) Bombastic!
Genial! (*) A stroke of a genius!
Gigantisch! (*) Gigantic!
Geil! (s) Great, awesome, wicked. Lit. Randy, horny. These days it's used to express that something is great, cool or nice although a generation ago it was only used with its original sexual meaning.
Mega + any adjective or noun (**) Commonly used to emphasize something, either good or bad. Das ist megageil (s) That's really cool. Das ist megaschlecht (s) That's really bad. Das ist ein Megaerfolg (s) That's a great success.
±á²¹³¾³¾±ð°ù³¾Ã¤ÃŸ¾±²µ! (**) That rocks. Lit. That hits like a hammer. Dieses Auto ist der Hammer (**) This car rocks. Die Party war der Hammer (**) The party rocked.
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Den Ball flach halten (s) Don't exaggerate, calm down. Lit. Keep the ball down.
Das ist unterirdisch (s) That's really bad. Lit. That's below the surface of the earth.
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