¡Adiós Inglaterra!
Bristol, 6th February
Only a few hours to go until the computer is disconnected and packed up for transport so I'm writing in
the middle of the chaos that comes with moving house. By tomorrow afternoon all our worldly goods will be on a lorry
heading for AndalucÃa and we'll be staying with friends for two days before we fly out. It looks as though the
furniture will arrive only about three days after we do. We're told that it was hot enough to sunbathe during the
daytime last week although it's cold at night. I'm packing pyjamas and hot water bottles just in case! The picture shows
how good the weather was in November so we're hoping for the same next week.
An Andalusian Cat
In case anyone was wondering, the three-legged cat has adapted to life in Nottingham very well. As
anticipated I'm the one with the problem, not her. I really miss having her about the house and I'm hoping that we'll be
adopted by a local cat - el gato if it's male and la gata if
it's female - once we settle in the new house in Spain.
Good news from LA
I had a
phone call at 4am today to tell me that I'm a grandma, la abuela, for the first time. My
son Sam (see picture) and his wife Kim had a baby boy who has been named Jack. He has arrived about 10 days late so it's
been an anxious time waiting for news. One of the problems about moving to Spain is that it'll be more difficult than it
already is to get to see them. It'll probably be cheapest and easiest to fly from Malaga to the UK and then on to LA. I
hope I get to see my new grandson, mi nieto, before too long!
Spanish, what Spanish?
I've really neglected my Spanish over the past month or two. I would never have believed how
time consuming moving countries is and it feels like there is no room in my head for anything else. I haven't even been
to my classes since before Christmas and so if my teacher reads this then I apologise for not showing up! I hope that
everything I've learnt last year will come flooding back to me when I get there.
Sent by: Sue
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