Weird words
Have you ever come across a word or expression in another language that you found particularly weird, wonderful, quirky, mad or just beautiful?
- S Pond - Back to life
- Mike T - Painful
- Maart - It's the season
- J Beauchamp - Good enough to eat?
- Leo - Les belles de Bellecombe
- James G - Forced confession
- Brendan - Abbreviation overkill
- Lyn - Two essays for the price of one
- Nina - Suspicious interest
- Guito - Swimming pool, honestly
- Jilly - Meuh!
- Adrien - You only need one vowel
- Karen - Too much pocket money
- Roxanne - Nine after a quarter
- Nick - An unaccustomed taste
- Richard - I've got a big wife
- Mary - She's a turkey
- Sarah - No regrets
- Gemma - High-fall tower

- Estelinha - Fruit case
- Al - Too far gone
- Tim - Vegetablism
- Chris - Correct socks
- Sebastián - Taking the bus driver
- Peter - A guy called Oiga
- Janet - A fine Cuban donkey
- Sally - Mitsubishi, driven by ...
- Sam - Hello whopper
- Jaime - A real sinkhole
- Ginny - Broken dolly

- Mol - Word game
- Aaron - The hardest word in any language
- Syndi - German words that sound inappropriate in English
- Jon - Heckenschwein is the new mullet
- Charlie - Cute and smoochy
- Shanna - We are the knights who say ...
- Chris - Double knock knock
- Felix - German word or typo?
- Katie - Greedy for description
- Niladri - Obnoxious shop
- Neil - Flying low
- Matt - Denglish
- Adrian - Other great words
- Jilly - Ich bin stutzig, weil es doof ist!
- Geka - Muh, wau, quack
- Steven - Play that funky music ...
- Vera - The long and winding word
- Joanna - Ladies or gentlemen
- Mark - German dressman in pullunder with handy
- Mary - For or against headache?
- René - Word with the most consonants

- Iryna - And then to bed
- Agnes - Ayayay
- Sian - Too much caffeine

- Anne - Feeling at home

- Kate - Rodney's a right old film
- Samantha - Which animal is worse?
- Katja - Red is beautiful
- Mark - Waterloo and Vauxhall Vauxhall
- Richard - Is that normal?
- Mel - Sputnik
- Jason - A talented student
- Hannah - Big sight

- Montana - Rijstpap
- Jamie - Wonderfully heerlijk

- Oliver - Empty orchestra
- Mustafa - Please get my name right

- Alexander - Give me a clue
- Sophia - You are so huomiseksi
- Heikki - R U OK?
- Pia - Light my fire
- Michael - Finnish forwards and backwards

- Jenny - South Italy, Sweden
- Joe - China, South West Sweden

- Malina - Cuddly as a cushion

- Michelle - Nostalgic longing
- Hans - Little thing with a big name

- Hampu - Chandrayaan (Hindi)
- Pidong - One syllable conversation (Tagalog)
- Magne - Who needs consonants (Norwegian)
- Daniel - Grow your own (Arabic)
- Carla - A word like a short story (Yaghan)
- Hans - Little thing with a big name (Portuguese)
- Morris - France or Lancashire? (Lanky)