The interviewees | Indera Sehmi, Charndeep Bhogal, Mandeep Bhogal, Keranjeet Gahir, Inderjeet Hunjan, Tarsem Hunjan |
Of the six interviewees three of the women in the house are connected by working with each other. Of the people in the house for the discussion, three were born in Leeds, two were born in India and one in East Africa. The discussion took place in English but this is a multi-lingual group with all six understanding and speaking Punjabi, a couple also understanding and speaking Hindi, and one person has a smattering of French.
 | Mandeep Bhogal |
The entire recorded discussion with the group from Moortown will be held by the University of Leeds along with other clips from all over the country. These recordings will form an archive of the English actually spoken around the country during 2004/5. Although the Leeds group spoke for over an hour we have recorded four clips to listen to. - Mandeep Bhogal tells of a misunderstanding: a market stall holder, when asked where her zips where, uses the word 'backside' to mean on the wall behind her. She doesn't know what the colloquial use of 'backside' is. "...and she said 'Well, they're on my backside', and she meant 'Behind me', and the woman, she just went 'Really!' and walked off thinking 'How rude!'" | Mandeep Bhogal |
- Keranjeet Gahir discusses what links the 'throne', the 'bog' and the 'office' in their house and also using special 'phone voices'. - Star Moment 1: The group discuss Tarsem Hunjan's Yorkshire accent and where it may come from. Tarsem concludes that it comes from his former work colleagues who have broad Yorkshire accents. - Star Moment 2: The group talks about the difference between spoken and written/taught English. In India people tend to speak correct English and they are unfamiliar with some colloquialisms that develop in spoken English. |