Choose a location from the map or the location-selector
below to discover some of our most influential immigrants and emigrants.
The 'little mesters' of Sheffield |
In every area, and at every time in history, people work. We are all involved in it; whether on a subsistence level, like the crofters in the Highland or as an enterprising capitalist, like Pryce Pryce-Jones who introduced the notion of mail-order.
The way we make our living affects us, our community and our family, from family run businesses in the back room of the house, to families working together in a mill, work is a central part of our daily lives.
Enter the site to find over 60 stories about our jobs: fishing in Scotland, prostitutes in Southampton, coal in Newcastle and ship building in Belfast.
Find out, not only about those industries, but the stories of the workers who toiled in them, or their impact on the architecture or social make-up of a place.
Discover the Jewellery Quarter in Birmingham, or live the social life of a Tate & Lyle girl in Liverpool and see how the landscape of Wales ensured success in the slate business.