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The Passion

Joseph Mowle as Jesus

The Passion on 大象传媒1

During Holy Week 大象传媒1 will broadcast The Passion, a dramatic retelling of the last days of Jesus. The series will be shown in peak time and will be seen by many millions of people. John previews the major production.

In January I was lucky enough to see a preview of the first episode of The Passion together with a number of other 大象传媒 Local Radio faith presenters and producers.

Even without music, sound effects and ungraded colour it packed a huge punch and left us all wanting to see the rest of the series.

"It will obviously mean a great deal to Christians, but I feel certain that anyone can enjoy it as an absorbing, thought-provoking series."

John Florance, 大象传媒 Leicester

A Fresh Approach

But why do we need another retelling of the passion story?

After all, Mel Gibson's controversial film of the story was released not so long ago and many have fond memories of Robert Powell's assumption of the role of Jesus in Franco Zeffirelli's television series in 1977.

It soon became clear that the producers of the new series really have taken a fresh approach.

They commissioned meticulous research into the political and social conditions in Jerusalem at the time of Jesus' execution. This research was fed into the Gospel story which was, of course, the principal source for script.

This means that the look of the series is significantly different from familiar versions and you get a very good sense of what is at stake from three points of view.

Thus the religious authorities and the Romans are given their due as well as Jesus and his disciples. We are asked to understand the motivations of everyone in this drama.

For Everyone

All the principal characters are well observed and compellingly brought to life.

Nigel Stafford-Clark, the producer of The Passion, emphasised that there was no "religious" motive in producing the series. He sold the idea to the 大象传媒 as a great story that, because of its central importance, needs retelling in every generation.

From what I have seen of it, the series will appeal to the greatest possible audience.

It will obviously mean a great deal to committed Christians, but I feel certain that anyone can enjoy it as an absorbing, thought-provoking series.

A Work of Drama

The Churches' Media Council, which is doing a great deal to publicise the series, is insistent about the nature of The Passion.

"This series wasn't conceived as an exercise in evangelism. It wasn't intended as a dramatisation of the gospel text. It springs from the story of the gospels, and the producers have used the gospels as their source.

"But it is a work of drama. So we need to judge it as a work of drama not as a piece of theology."

In my opinion, its "objective" quality is what lends the series its depth and involving power, though I must emphasise that I have only seen episode one!


The Passion of Christ

The Cast

The cast is remarkable. Joseph Mawle, who plays Jesus, is 33, the same age Jesus was during the events of Holy week. He is not "gentle Jesus meek and mild" but a wholly believable itinerant preacher whose charisma is both comforting and threatening.

James Nesbitt is a thoroughly unsettling Pilate and Penelope Wilton is a wonderful Mary. Why is it, incidentally, that we invariably think of Mary as a young girl, even when she is at the foot of her son's cross?

By then she would have been approaching the end of her life. This Mary is old, experienced and not a bit bewildered. She is not, emphatically, a plaster saint.

Other featured actors include Ron Daniels as Caiaphas, David Oyelowa as Joseph of Arimethea and Dennis Lawson as Annas

The writer is Frank Deasy whose best known credits are Prime Suspect and England Expects.

The scheduling of the programmes is not quite complete but here are the latest details.

Episode 1

Palm Sunday 16th March, 大象传媒 ONE, 8pm (One hour)

It's Passover in Jerusalem, and the city is bursting with pilgrims. It's a tense time for those charged with keeping order - like Pilate the Roman Prefect and Caiaphas the High Priest. The arrival of a preacher from Galilee called Jesus causes great excitement when he enters through the East Gate on a donkey's colt, fulfilling prophecies of the coming of the Messiah. For Jesus's band of disciples, hardened by several years on the road, this is the moment they've been waiting for, but none of them suspects how momentous this week will be.

Episode 2

Monday 17th March, 大象传媒 ONE, 8.30pm (30 minutes)
Caiaphas is growing increasingly anxious that Jesus's preaching will provoke unrest and bring in the Romans, and when Jesus appears to threaten the Temple it's the final straw. As Jesus tries to explain his destiny to the disciples, Caiaphas calls a council and presents it with a stark choice. With Passover approaching, a fateful decision is taken, and Judas finds himself placed in an impossible position.

Episode 3

Good Friday 21st March, 大象传媒 ONE, 9pm (One hour)

Jesus shares his Last Supper with the disciples, and teaches them their last and most important lesson. Whilst Judas slips away to fetch the Temple guards, Jesus leads the disciples to the Garden of Gethsemane and tries to prepare himself for what is to come. The next few hours will bring him face to face with Caiaphas, with Pilate and with his own destiny.

Episode 4

Easter Sunday 23rd March, 大象传媒 ONE, Time TBC (30 minutes)

As Jesus is taken from the cross and buried, his disciples cower in hiding. Caiaphas, fearful that the body will be stolen, orders the tomb to be guarded. But when Mary Magdalene discovers it empty, a chain of events is about to begin that will transform the lives of the disciples and reverberate throughout the world for the next two thousand years.

Getting Involved

On Monday 17th March (straight after episode two is broadcast) you will be able to send any questions you have to the writer of the drama, Frank Deasy, and the producer, Nigel Stafford-Clark. Their written replies will be posted on The Passion website before the third episode goes out on Good Friday, 21st March.

Frank and Nigel will also take questions after the last part transmits on Easter Sunday, 23rd March. Their answers will be posted by Wednesday 26th March.

Review the drama

After the first episode of The Passion you will be able to post your review of the听 episode. You will similarly be able to review each subsequent episode.

More important, call me, John Florance,听 on the Easter Sunday breakfast programme and tell us what you think of the series. The lines will be open from 7 o'clock. I am sure the debate will be lively and provocative! This will be one of the most talked about series for some time.

last updated: 10/03/2008 at 13:34
created: 19/02/2008

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Diane Louise Jordan


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