breathtaking performances made you wish you'd paid more attention
to the dance classes your mother sent you to when you were a child.
A sizzling series of unconnected love stories set in a caf茅.
Imagine an accordion, glasses of rich red wine and eyes meeting across
the room and you'll get an idea of the ambiance created in the Empire
Theatre by Tango Pasion during the three nights it played here.
The intricate steps, perfectly timed, looked easy and effortless and
yet must have taken hours of practice and expertise to appear so natural.
thought and precision was given to the costumes which had a 1930's
appearance with sensuous silks, rich reds, beads and braces for
the blokes.
troupe of about ten dancers (five couples) included two principal
dancers and then there was the crooner who periodically sang love
songs while chasing a woman who had dropped her hankerchief.
finale included a light sequence to coincide with the principal
dancers on the stage giving the impression of two figures made of
stars shadowing their human counterparts, a match made in heaven
you might say.
a jaw-dropping performance of dance so appreciated by the Liverpool
audience that the performers returned on stage for three encores.