VoicesYou are in: Manchester > Voices > A pump by any other name | 
A pump by any other nameWe all use differnt words and different phrases and have our own accents. But do we know what each of us are talking about? | 

| We asked three groups of people across Greater Manchester to tell us what words they use for three different things. We got an interesting list of alternatives for the words, pump, mother and rich. Mother Mum, Mother, Mummy, Mom Pumps Plimsoles, gollies, trainers Rich Wadded, Loaded, posh, swank, minted Listen to the audio opposite to hear the groups discuss these words and then use the form below to add other words you've used or heard for Mother, pumps and rich. Will include a selection of them on this page. For a more general discussion about regional accents and words, visit our Message Board - see link opposite. |  | last updated: 12/01/05 |  | Have Your Say |  |
Michael B Taylor In the early years of ITV, Granada had a film made in Leigh (Lancs) about two boys ferriting. It was only shown in the North West but still needed subtitles. I would love to see it again. What chance?
Sparkz Mother: I say mother, but my accent comes out as muvva
Jenny Mother: Mum
Pumps: Trainers
Rich: Blinged
wendy Word for "pop" (fizzy drink) was mineral. Children who "skrike" (cry) easily are "mard" or "soft".
They may be told that "their bladder is too near their eyes"!I still "pull the chain", not flush the toilet, and people who feel the cold are "nesh". We used to "porm about" the shops, and give people a "pow slap" when they had a hair cut.
Kevin Mitchell Spun up for bobbins = nothing to do:
Up the dancers = Up the stairs:
Round the bend = doing something stupid
Alison I still use the words that I grew up with - Pot Towel -to wipe the pots/dishes with. We never use a Tea Towel.
JoDiE_d mum-MAM
Hilary from Norley More dialect words to add to the collection. These are from the Norley area: rural district near Frodsham.
to scrottle - to cough
to scuffle - to hoe the garden
clemmed - hungry
snatched - feeling cold.
Simon Mother: Mam
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