katie dirnt
it was the most amazing gig in the history of ever! when i get upset because i couldnt go to milton keynes i just think but i went to manchester!!!
Becky Jones
Jesus Of Suburbie Rocks!
I Saw Greebday At The MEN They Rule!
grooveyness in a jar
it was the best concert i ever been to green day r my favourite band \m/
I was there!
hannah lalor
i saw greenday at da MEN and they were so gud. billie joe is sooooo fit. they rock!
Jesus of Suburbia is the best song ever \m/
kris gower
ddue tey ruled wahhooooo
liz n hannah
Greenday rock! they r definetely the best in da world. luv ya boyz
tom bentley
awesome best band live ever miles better than blink live and best album ever
Green Day totally rock! I love them.....they are the best!!! Billie Joe, Tré and Mike are the hottest guys in the world!
Absolutely fantastic, gotta say though how can u even compare them to Blink 182! Greenday are obviously better!
Rachael Ormston
Green Day was amazing! I can honestly say it was the best day of my life, i got myself right to the front and although i nearly fainted.. being in standing, it was worth every minute. When i looked up and saw Billie Joe inches away from me i burst out crying! I also krpt crying for days after as i didn't want it to end!
im only 14 but me n ma dad went and we wish we had tikets for both nites we hade brilliant seats and luved every minute of it it flew!!!!!!
MEN 28/1/05 a night i will never forget, the best live concert i have ever seen or heard.
i was at the conset i think they were brilliant ive never heard owt better and im gunna go agen!!
Aled + Mark
Class on the night, wish i would have gone on the saturday too! So much to say, but ill shorten it for you - AMASING! BEST CONSERT EVER!
greenday were amazin. but without the special effects they wouldnt have been as good as blink 182 were! sorri greenday luvers!
nicole taylor
it was the best day of my life i was crying when it ended
They have to be the best band ever to perform live! Their gig was truly amazing and every minuite totaly rocked!
sam donegan
i saw greeday at the men arena and they were amazin
totally kicked ass
Nick Mills - Bury
Move over Status Quo, the new kings of live music are here.
Mosh on
The best live band in the world at the moment? Without a doubt. Best gig I have been to , ever.