Da hoole rammstein maniac
Ihave seen them in manchester and in newcastle excallent in both but in manchester more pyrotecnics the best show on this blooming earth
Joe Hopley
Damn!!!my first Rammstein gig and defo not my last!!at the start of feuer frei they didnt have the masks on and i was worried theyd been forced to abondon them by the arena staff or something but when the music broke down and flake was the only one left on stage, i knew exactly where the others had gone!!what a show!Gotta be the best Rock show ever!
The show rocked! i ws luvin every minute! the heat from the pyrotechnics was instant and shocking!
Awsome show - cant wait 4 them 2 cum around again!
The Rammstein show is the Hottest show on earth. Never mind KISS, Rammstein are now the hottest band!!!
rammstein are the best bvand ever and i love all ur albums
Its excellent how some people appreciate the awesomeness of the Group.
baz liverpool
a truly breathtaking experience.I was so p****d off when i realized i'd left my camera at the hotel,and the concert was about to start.Still i have my memories.
Anne in Scotland
I have been going to concerts since I was little, Rammstein in Manchester was the best concert i have been to. In terms of music (which is ace) and the show pyrotechnics, we are still all talking about it. Wunderbar
Liz, London
Saw them at the Brixton Academy! BRILLIANT!!!!!!
Tom in czech
Just seen them in Ostrava (Small City in North Czech Rep) review correct.AMAZING!!!! And they did a 8 song encore after Amerkia:)!!!
Must admit I was a bit sceptical about going to the show (was going with a true fan). However, over 15 years of going to concerts of all sorts this one has been the best so far.
Awsome show . Music is the most important thing and doesnt disapoint. The heat is unbelievable. Needs to be experienced to be believed. And so many friendly people
Dr Worm
What a breath of fresh air! You did your research first and wrote a review worthy of being paid to write!
This show was amazing, the 6 German rockers get better and better all the time!
Thankyou Rammstein for another night of delight and thankyou Adam Farrer for giving Rammstein a review they deserve!
I could not agree more,i'd been keenly looking forward to this show since buying Reise,Reise and from someone who has been a massive Gary Numan fan since '79 I can honestly say it is the best live show i've ever seen.
Jack Jarvis
Rammstein are at their peak and nothing is stopping them. Everything about the gig was amazing !
show was amazing i had never heard Apocalyptica, but they were really good, and a hard act to beat, But with the quality (and the pyro's) Rammstein stole the show. For my first gig it was amazing, i was at the other end of the arena (seating) and i could feel the flames/fire as though it was against my face, brilliant!!!
Trev Spencer
I have to say it was the best gig I have ever been to.Rammstein seem to hit the spot with the northern european audience I only hope they hit the US as well.It was contrary to the Times and the Guardian one of the best of all time.Hoping somebody has had the sense to capture it on DVD.
Rasmus, (from Denmark)
I didn't atend the concert, but I did when they toured Copenhagen. It was the best concert I have ever been to, so I am sure the one in Brixton was as good as in Denmark. Rammstein is just the best band.
it was so good that i'm going to Berlin to see them at the 3 concerts ..again..i can't have enough of rammstein ..good music, good show everytime..happy!
Meurig Hughes
Been to many gigs. Some excellent, some ok. This is up there with the excellent ones. One of the best ever gigs I've seen.
Great review too.
Nige Hall
The above review totally sums up possibly the best concert I have been to for a number of years (except Dream Theater where the music was exceptional but the show itself was average).
Greatest show ever - not sure. If you are older and remember Pink Floyd at there best then maybe not. That said, in the days of high prices and average performances this can be said to be the best show for many a year.
So good I would go again without hesitation even if I didn't understand one work of the lirics (well maybe a few).
Deutsland uber alles.
great review! it is nice to read something written by someone who understands how good Rammstein are.
that was very nice to read! To me Rammstein's music is at the heart of why I love them too - the wonderful stage show is a grand bonus. :)
Marjolein Hensen
Thanks for the very nice review, but Apocalyptica has 3 members: they are only playing with the four of them on live-performances. And only 2 of the four have long hair. ;-)