| Goldie Lookin Chain (pic: Karen McBride) |
Back in Manchester we've experienced the GLC many times before and the Road To Rehab tour is much the same one we saw next door at Academy 2 last year. Except now with a bigger budget, better Elizabeth Duke chains and more leisure wear than you take, plus we now get a backdrop with regular announcements of "Safe as ****", "Smoke Draw" and, to top it off, a giant "PENIS" for Your Mothers Got A Penis. Guns Don't Kill People Rappers Do, Half Man Half Machine and I Loves You Baby hit the mark, old skool samples backing up the rhymes, which initially appear lazy, but are more surreal Weird Al Yankovic than one dimensional Ali G.
 | Goldie Lookin Chain (pic: Karen McBride) |
Several new songs are aired, but in true GLC style we're too wasted on White Lightning to notice. One stand track rhymes Kelly Osbourne with porn, but where was the much touted Neon Racer, which has body kit rhyming with Claudia Schiffer taking a… well, best leave that one! 12 months since we first witnessed the GLC, they're still absolutely hilarious, spa. That said, quite what the Yanks are going make of them next month when they take the Gang Of Newport to the Gangs Of New York is another matter all together. |