It was immediately apparent that a large section of the Prophets fanbase had turned out for tonight's show, the 'screaming girls decked in trucker hats and black nail varnish' quota comfortably filled. Another thing that was apparent was how full the Academy 3 was. And from the second the band hit the stage, nay, the band's backdrop was unfurled, it was clear that this is a very well liked band. From the opening chords of Obsession, the atmosphere inside the Academy 3 erupted with a joy that never faltered for the rest of the night. It was plain for anyone to see that the band were obviously doing something right. But I, for one, was not part of the screaming throng. Their songs, for the most part, left me cold. If I could review the night on fashion sense and hairstyles, then Eighteen Visions would be scoring point after point, but unfortunately every pink streaked strand of hair can’t make up for lack of originality. Their songs are average at best. They are all skilled musicians, the drummer especially, but frankly, there are many, many bands making music out there that someone wanting this style of metal tinged hardcore that have that spark of originality Eighteen Visions lack. Now, any fan of the band in attendance tonight could heavily debate this, but in all honesty, Eighteen Visions seem more concerned with their appearance than their songs. And not even a Guns ‘n’ Roses cover can save a show from that fact. |