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28 October 2014

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Parallel Lives

Don't panic, we're Islamic!

What's it like to be British and Muslim in the 21st century? And why does a fear exist between some communities? We asked leading Islamic figures in Greater Manchester. This is what they told us:

Dr Amar Ahmed: GP in Manchester and Cheshire and Conservative candidate

Dr Amar Ahmed
Dr Amar Ahmed

"We're on the dawn of a new kind of British Islam, where people realise there's no dichotomy in being a Muslim and being British and the two things go very well together indeed."

Dr Sara Saigol: consultant in Muslim community affairs

Dr Sara Saigol
Dr Sara Saigol

"People think there's a Muslim world view and a non-Muslim world view. I think that's a complete misunderstanding."

Khalid Anis: dentist in Manchester

Khalid Anis
Khalid Anis

"There is a division in society but it's always been there. We've always had parallel lives between the "haves and the have nots."

Dr Jamila Slevin: doctor and Muslim convert in Stockport

Dr Jamila Slevin
Dr Jamila Slevin

"As a mother and as a wife I'm the same as I would be. I have four kids and they drive me mad! I do everything with them that they want to do. My life is fairly normal.'

Zahid Hussain: Director for Community Projects in Manchester, author and poet

Zahid Hussain
Zahid Hussain

"I believe that Amir Khan did more for race relations when he draped a Union Jack around himself at the Olympics than any government action could ever do..."

last updated: 27/11/06
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