| Autokat – Late Night Shopping |
It’s a bit of a surprise, then, to find a band associated so intimately with aA that they’ve put out their debut album out, being described by the label as a Mancunian ‘best-kept secret’. Autokat are just that though. They may be a name that has appeared with regularity on posters around and about the place, but only a select few seem to know how good they actually are. That will change with the release of Late Night Shopping. The title comes from a euphemism for going ‘on the rob’ and it sums up the smash-and-grab splendour of what’s on offer. Defiantly lo-fi in its production and high energy in its realisation, it has the kind of intelligent punk-indie sound that aA bands seem to excel at. As passionate as The Longcut without the desolation and as intense as Nine Black Alps without the volume, it is an album of solid tunes, twisting rhythms and sharp lyrics. It also has a wonderful obtuseness that only endears it to you more. Good as the spiky opener Shot, the epic live favourite Fill Your Cup or The Driver’s thrilling twists are, it’s actually the two instrumentals, Dealy and Uber Patriot, which steal the show. Late Night Shopping may not be the most smoothly produced album or the most inventive, but as starting points go, it stands strongly next to their compatriots’ debuts and will definitely make sure that the ‘Kat are unknown no more. |