
Findings from the Demon of Defeca

Some 70% of urban India's sewage is untreated. Learn how our research shaped a campaign to counter this health risk.

Vast amounts of India's sewage goes untreated, presenting a major health hazard.

Yet our research showed that some 78% of people believe a septic tank should be as large as possible; 78% of people also believed the government is responsible for desludging their tanks, and 63% did not know where their sludge was dumped.

Our challenge: make the invisible, visible.

Our Malasur - Demon of Defeca campaign launched in June 2020 across eight states of India. 

We found out that disruption and 'big ideas' work - find out how in our research poster.

And read more about the research and campaign in this blog.

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  • What are young Bangladeshi's most worried about? Are rural Kenyans interested in politics? Do Palestinian women trust the media? Find the answers in our data portal (last updated 2020).

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