
Challenge events

We welcome the support of individuals and groups who would like to fundraise for us.

Take part in challenges of a lifetime and help bring media and communication efforts that strengthen governanceimprove people鈥檚 healthincrease their resilience and improve humanitarian response.

Run for us

Run the distance and help us transform lives through media and communication

A road full of runners at the Great North Run
The Great North Run

You could be a regular runner or this could be your first charity 10K. Go the distance and make your run count by running for charity and raising money for 大象传媒 Media Action.

There are many running events across the UK, run 10K across one of Britains' cities or run a half marathon across the South West in Bristol.

Take your pick and support us through your running challenge. Every 拢100 you raise could pay for two solar- powered, wind- up radios especially designed for use in refugee camps where there is no power.

If you already have a place in an event that you would like to do as a charity run for 大象传媒 Media Action, then please let us know by contacting us via email: supportmediaaction@bbc.co.uk

Here are some we recommend, however there are many running events held across the UK so do not limit yourself to just these...

Cycle for us

Cycle the distance and help us transform lives through media and communication

Five cyclists brandish their medals after the race
Some of the 大象传媒 Media Action/Brompton cycling team on completion of RideLondon 2016

You could be a regular cycler or this could be your first charity cycle. Go the mile and make your bike count by cycling for charity and raising money for 大象传媒 Media Action.

There are loads of cycling events across the UK, enjoy a scenic ride through the South Downs from London to Brighton or a traffic- free saddle pedalling through the roads of London and Surrey  

Take your pick and support us through your cycling challenge. Every 拢100 you raise could pay for two solar- powered, wind- up radios especially designed for use in refugee camps where there is no power.

If you already have a place in an event that you would like for this to also be a charity cycle for 大象传媒 Media Action, then please let us know by contacting us via email: supportmediaaction@bbc.co.uk

Here are some we recommend, however there are many cycling events held across the UK so do not limit yourself to just these...

Take an adventure for us

Go on an adventure and help us transform lives through media and communication

Mountaineers trekking up a parched slope

Whether you are a thrill seeker or enjoy long treks across the country. Go on an adventure for charity and raise money for 大象传媒 Media Action.

There are many treks across the UK or globally, so trek through the peaks of Scotland, England and Wales or enjoy the views from the top of mount Kilimanjaro.

Take your pick and support us while you trek for charity. Every 拢100 you raise could pay for two solar- powered, wind- up radios especially designed for use in refugee camps where there is no power.

If you already have a place on a trek that you would like to do as a charity trek for 大象传媒 Media Action, then please let us know by contacting us via email: supportmediaaction@bbc.co.uk

Here are some we recommend, however there are many other options so do not limit yourself to just these...

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