
Khan Sar Kyi: a national discussion for understanding and peace

Amid Myanmar's unique ethnic, cultural and religious diversity, armed conflict and complex political divisions remain a challenge.

Published: 8 November 2019


While a national level peace process is currently underway between the government, the military, and ethnic armed groups, people across Myanmar often have limited access to information or understanding of the issues facing many conflict-affected communities. This is made all the more challenging by the multiple languages, ethnicities, religions and cultures within the country.

Our Khan Sar Kyi ('Feel it') project aims to build a broad and inclusive public debate in Myanmar by showcasing diverse perspectives on identity and increasing audience understanding of the causes of, and potential solutions to, conflict. We give people the opportunity to meet, share, understand and feel their differences and similarities in a journey towards greater understanding and peaceful co-existence.

Using a multi-format approach

The project uses three innovative formats:

  • Khan Sar Kyi Journeys – TV documentaries featuring different characters and regions in the country;
  • Khan Sar Kyi Discussions – live events where expert guests join us for challenging conversations and questions from audiences from different regions;
  • Khan Sar Kyi Digital – innovative, informative and entertaining content on peace, conflict and diversity for digital audiences.

With a unified brand, a single presenter, and links between the issues raised in the documentaries, discussions and digital content, we aim to create a unique programme that engages audiences who would normally tune out from politics, while engaging the political actors who currently drive the formal peace process in Myanmar. In this way the programme aims to tackle complex issues of identity and peace in a way that audiences can understand and engage with.

Khan Sar Kyi Journeys

Each episode follows a person in power – a Minister, MP or community leader – as they embark on a journey to a state or region in Myanmar they aren’t familiar with. The travellers learn about the lives of the local people – including their struggles, identities and connection to conflict – through informal discussion, eating together and direct engagement in their day-to-day lives. The journeys are about learning and accepting difference, and putting people’s needs at the heart of the peace process and political conversation in Myanmar.

Khan Sar Kyi Discussions

The discussion events are broadcast shortly after the documentaries and provide live audiences with a forum to discuss some of the issues raised in more depth, and in the context of national points of discussion. Panellists and audience members are pre-selected to ensure inclusiveness and a good balance of representation.

Khan Sar Kyi Digital

Khan Sar Kyi’s online platform is hosted on Facebook and features content from the documentaries and live events, daily exclusive content expanding on what is covered in each documentary and event, plus other entertaining and informative content to help online audiences better understand the diversity and viewpoints of others in Myanmar. Facebook Live also brings audiences directly in contact with the Khan Sar Kyi presenter and other guest speakers to discuss issues related to the peace process or raised in the broadcast content.

Project information

Project name Khan Sar Kyi
Dates 2017 - 2019
Themes Governance and social cohesion

Documentaries, live audience events and digital content

Broadcast partners

National state and non-state media partners


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