
Fake or Fortune, This Farming Life, Rip Off Britain and CBeebies Specials to be put out to competitive tender

The 大象传媒 will retain all rights for the shows and they will continue to be shown on the 大象传媒

Published: 16 January 2025
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The 大象传媒 today announced that Fake or Fortune, This Farming Life, Rip Off Britain and CBeebies Specials will be the next titles to be put out to competitive tender.

The 大象传媒 will retain all rights for the shows and they will continue to be shown on the 大象传媒, but the tendering process will decide which producer makes the programmes. 大象传媒 Commissioning will invite pitches from producers and a full list of eligibility criteria and requirements for the shows will be openly shared with all suppliers.

David Pembrey, Chief Operating Officer, 大象传媒 Content says: 鈥淭hese are four brilliant shows, driven by public-service values and which help to support production and skills across the UK. We are opening them to competition as part of our commitment to delivering the very best value for audiences.鈥

The tendering of returning series forms part of the Charter and Agreement requirement to open up more of the 大象传媒鈥檚 TV programmes to competition, following the launch of the 大象传媒鈥檚 Compete or Compare strategy in 2014.

The requirements for each programme will be communicated in the invitation to tender which will be published in the coming weeks, with enough time for suppliers to do appropriate research and preparation.


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