sanctuary  |
Formby is one of the last refuges of a beautiful animal that's all
but disappeared from the rest of England - the Red Squirrel. Formby
Pinewoods is one of 12 squirrel refuges in Britain. | Formby
- a sandy beach backed with pine woods |
It's been
nicknamed the golf coast because of the nearby courses at Royal Birkdale and St
Annes, but Formby is famous for more than just teeing off.
A century ago
Red Squirrels were still a common sight across England, but since then most of
their habitats have been destroyed. Enjoy
a wild web walk on Formby Beach and Pinewoods Pinewoods
Pinewoods is one of 12 squirrel refuges in Britain - the National Trust work day
and night to protect the 200 Red Squirrels that live here. The vast majority
of Red Squirrels live in Scotland with 85% of the remaining population living
in the North Of England. Reds have come under attack in recent years by
its larger cousin, the grey, which carries a virus known as "squirrel pox"
that is deadly to red squirrels and is also more competitive over territory. Local
residents have long been encouraged to report sightings of the predatory greys
to the National Trust and, as a result, the reserve is now a sanctuary for one
of the largest remaining populations of Red Squirrels in the UK. One of
the most important factors in its success is the fact that Formby Pinewoods consists
mainly of conifers, which wards off the predatory greys who seem to prefer deciduous
forests. The pinewoods also contain a fair number of Corsican and Scots
pine trees, the cones of which are a major food source. Fortunately when
the pine cones run out, visitors are more than happy to lend a hand feeding them,
and some of the squirrels have become so used to humans that they can even be
hand-fed. Red Squirrel sanctuary The
Red Squirrel, or sciurus vulgaris, is native to Britain, and is really only red
during winter - their coats turn a darker browney-black colour in spring.
the past century their numbers have declined greatly due to competition from greys,
which were introduced here from North America in 1876.
Now there are only
an estimated 150,000 Red Squirrels left in the UK compared with over two million
greys - which means the reds could be outnumbered six to one!
It's estimated
that 85 per cent of the remaining population live in the North of England, and
at Formby Squirrel Reserve, the population typically numbers three or four adult
squirrels per hectare. Perfect dunes The
sand dunes at Formby attract many visitors as they're widely considered a near-perfect
example of dune formation.
But these dunes are fast disappearing, losing
an average of 10 feet of sand a year northward along the coast, which is why Ainsdale,
five miles up from Formby, is another great sandy habitat. Despite the tough
conditions, there are some creatures which thrive here among the sand and marram
grass, like the sand lizard and the great crested newt. But there's one
species which lives here in vast numbers - the Common Toad. This squat,
warty creature has short toes, webbed hind feet and a rounded snout, and can be
various colours depending on sex, age and time of year. Fortunately it's
recognisable by its orange eyes with horizontal black pupils, behind which are
a set of gland which secret a toxic substance to deter predators. It lays
its eggs in rock pools on the beach, when it's a race against time for the tadpoles
to develop and crawl out before the pool evaporates in summer. Natterjacks
species often found here is the rare Natterjack Toad, and Ainsdale is one of the
best places in the UK to see them.
It's a nocturnal creature, with a loud
croak that can carry for miles, and they're noisiest in winter, when the males
"sing" to attract a mate. In fact, most people hear the Natterjack
Toad, the loudest amphibian in Europe, before they see it. If you do manage
to glimpse one close-up, the Natterjack Toad can be recognised by its mottled,
warty back, which has a yellow stripe running down from the snout. Like
the Common Toad, Natterjacks also have the ability to alter the colour of their
skin, either lighter or darker, to camouflage themselves into their surroundings. Enjoy
a wild web walk on Formby Beach and Pinewoods Photo
credits All photographs by Carolyn Garlick. |