Locked-in syndrome girl Eve Anderson, 9, makes progress

Video caption, Eve Anderson, 9, who lost all movement can now write with a paintbrush

A girl who was given four days to live after suffering a brain bleed is defying the odds 18 months on.

In February 2011, Eve Anderson, nine, collapsed at her Northumberland home and developed locked-in syndrome leaving her in a wheelchair.

She went from being a sporty, dance-loving youngster to only being able to communicate by blinking.

Her father Ian was told she would not survive, but now Eve is making progress by writing her name with a paintbrush.

Eve, who was treated at Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary (RVI), is fully conscious and aware of what is going on around her.

'Very optimistic'

Mr Anderson, of Ashington, said: "Having a very lively, energetic, outgoing and enthusiastic girl who is talking to you one second saying: 'daddy I love you' to not being able to hear her voice, is very, very painful.

"All the brilliant consultants who have looked after Eve have said basically she has defied the odds.

"We know Eve's personality and can tell if she is happy or sad. But basically we have to confine ourselves to asking her closed questions with yes or no answers - one blink for yes and two for no."

Image caption, Fun-loving Eve Anderson before she suffered a brain bleed

Dr Rob Forsyth, paediatric neurologist at the RVI, said: "Basically what happened to Eve is that she suffered a brain injury - a bleed caused by a tumour that no-one knew was there. That tumour has now been treated with radiotherapy.

"There is something very special about Eve."

Eve's friends, who call themselves Eve's Army, recorded a Song for Eve which was given a hospital screening.

Physiotherapist Debra Gardner said she was optimistic that Eve would make further progress.

She said: "I was very excited about Eve using the paintbrush, because we were not sure about the deficits she has been left with.

"Through her artwork it is obvious she has retained letter formation - this is a huge deal and I'm very optimistic."

Mr Anderson added: "It has been very hard but our daughter has given us inspiration because she hasn't given up."