
Flu vaccine: NI to 'pause' vaccination programme for under-65s

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Woman receiving an influenza vaccination

There will be a pause on giving the flu vaccine to people under 65 in Northern Ireland until more stock is received, the Public Health Agency has said.

It said that following "phenomenal" demand, Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK was "now reaching full uptake of the allocated stock".

The agency added that there was a "worldwide issue" with supply.

It advised patients that it will take "a number of weeks" for more vaccine doses to be delivered and distributed.

Dr Gerry Waldron from the Public Health Agency (PHA) acknowledged the temporary restriction on supply "will cause some concern" for patients who are awaiting vaccination.

However he added he "would like to provide reassurance that people will still get the vaccine well in time before we anticipate that flu will be circulating widely in the community".

'Unusual situation'

Vulnerable patients had been advised that getting vaccinated against seasonal flu was more important than ever this year, to avoid putting more pressure on health services during the coronavirus pandemic.

Dr Waldron said more than 500,000 doses of flu vaccine have already been distributed in Northern Ireland which he described as "an unprecedented number at this stage of a seasonal flu vaccination programme".

"Indeed, we have distributed more vaccines in the past few weeks than the entirety of previous flu seasons," he added.

"It is great to see people getting the vaccine in such high numbers, but it does create the unusual situation of pausing some aspects until further supplies become available," Dr Waldron explained.

"As this is a worldwide issue, it will take a number of weeks for the vaccine to be delivered and distributed, with a plan to reopen ordering in mid-November," he said.

'Schools unaffected'

A PHA spokeswoman also confirmed that the flu vaccination programme in schools is separate from the adult programme and it is not affected by the supply issue.

Until more adult vaccine stocks are received, GP surgeries and health trusts are being advised to use their existing supplies and to notify the PHA of unused vaccine so it can be redistributed to other practices that may need it.

The PHA has also asked for frontline health workers to be given priority for vaccination across the health and social care sector.

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