Housing plan for former Bridgend council office site

Image source, Austin-Smith:Lord

Image caption, The Sunnyside development will cover the former Bridgend council buildings and the law courts

A housing and medical centre complex could be built on the former site of Bridgend council offices and magistrates court.

The proposed plan would see 59 homes and a healthcare centre, including GPs, a pharmacy and dental practice.

The housing would include a mixture of two to four-bedroom homes as well as bungalows designed for disabled people.

Linc Cymru and Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board is collaborating on the proposal.

The site would also include a three-storey apartment with one and two-bedroom flats, and a 66-space car park.

Image source, Liz Bradfield

Image caption, The former magistrates court site has already been cleared for the development

Local residents have raised concerns including car parking and traffic issues, access and the loss of trees.

Comments on the application are due by 11 January but the council has said it would accept them up to the point the application goes to committee, which is likely to be in February or March.

Image source, Austin-Smith:Lord

Image caption, An artist's impression of the healthcare centre on the Sunnyside site