Deaths in Egypt's Suez after Port Said football unrest

Video caption, The 大象传媒's Jon Leyne says protesters will likely re-gather in Cairo and Suez

Two people have been killed and more than 400 injured in protests across Egypt sparked by the deaths of 74 people after a football match.

The two killed were shot by police trying to disperse angry crowds in the city of Suez, medical officials said.

In the capital Cairo, thousands of protesters remained on the streets following a day of clashes with police.

Thousands marched to the interior ministry, where security forces fired tear gas to keep them back.

Earlier, the Egyptian prime minister announced the sackings of several senior officials.

Funerals of some of the 74 victims took place in Port Said, where the football match had taken place on Wednesday.

The deaths came when fans invaded the pitch after a fixture between top Cairo club al-Ahly and the Port Said side al-Masry.

'Live ammunition'

As night fell in Cairo, several thousand demonstrators remained in the streets around the interior ministry, witnesses said.

In Suez, health official Mohammed Lasheen said two people had been shot dead early on Friday.

A witness quoted by Reuters said: "Protesters are trying to break into the Suez police station and police are now firing live ammunition."

Throughout Thursday, al-Ahly supporters gathered outside the club's stadium in Cairo. A series of protest marches moved towards Tahrir Square, and then on to the ministry of interior.

Some chanted slogans against Egypt's military rulers, while others threw stones.

"Our army must choose between the military council and the revolutionaries,'' they chanted.

Police fired tear gas to keep the thousands of protesters away from the ministry, which is protected by concrete barricades.

Motorcycles ferried the injured from the scene as ambulances were often unable to get through.

At one point, ambulances intervened to rescue riot police whose vehicle mistakenly turned into a street full of protesters, Reuters reported.

Egyptian state news agency Mena quoted a health ministry official as saying 388 protesters were injured. Most of them were suffering from tear gas inhalation as well as bruises and broken bones from rocks.

A section of Al-Ahly supporters known as the "ultras" played a prominent role in last year's street protests which led to the overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak.

The 大象传媒's Jon Leyne, in Cairo, says the ultras believe they were targeted for their support for the revolution over the past year.

They accuse the police of deliberately allowing al-Masry fans to attack them.

"It's like war, you can't believe it. What happened yesterday [Wednesday] was war, it's not football. To kill without any feeling... is not normal," former al-Ahly player Hani Seddik told the 大象传媒.

There were also protests in Port Said, Associated Press news agency reported.

'Difficult time'

Earlier on Thursday, parliament met in emergency session, beginning with a minute's silence.

Prime Minister Kamal al-Ganzouri told MPs the head of Egypt's football association had been sacked and the board dissolved, with its members referred to prosecutors for questioning.

Port Said's director of security and the head of investigations were suspended and are now in custody, Mr Ganzouri said.

The government has come under renewed attack over its handling, both of the football game, and of the way it is handling the transition to democracy, our correspondent says.

The president of al-Ahly, Hamid Hamdy, said his club would not take part in league games.

"I hope that the world understands the position of al-Ahly club, that we are going through a very difficult time as a result of all of those martyrs that we lost yesterday," he told a news conference.

"People should feel that there is a tragedy and a disaster which has happened in Egyptian sports, and for al-Ahly."

Police in Egypt have been keeping a much lower profile since last year's popular protests.

The Muslim Brotherhood - which has emerged as Egypt's biggest party in recent elections - blamed ex-President Mubarak's supporters for the violence.