
Pictures: Hubble Space Telescope's top pics of space

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Hubble Space Telescope image - towers of gas and dust rising from a stellar nursery called the Eagle Nebula
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The Hubble Space Telescope was launched in 1990 and has taken more than 1 million incredible images from space. This one shows towers of gas and dust as new stars are formed.

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The telescope orbits about 350 miles above Earth. This spectacular shot shows dust coming from a red supergiant star called V838 Monocerotis.

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Hundreds of bright blue stars are cuddled by warm, glowing clouds. They were snapped in a neighbouring galaxy to ours.

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This nightmarish gas and dust cloud was snapped in 2002. It's called the Cone Nebula because it's shaped like a cone!

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This picture is called the Hubble Ultra Deep Field and shows a whopping 10,000 galaxies of different sizes and ages. It includes some of the most distant galaxies ever seen - they're the smallest, reddest ones.

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Two galaxies are shown smashing into each other. As they merge, billions of stars are born.

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This one looks a bit like a hurricane - its name is M51, but is also known as the Whirlpool Galaxy.