
All about Jenny

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Jenny Lawrence

Jenny Lawrence is one of Newsround's presenters. Although she's new to your screens, Jenny has been busy working behind the scenes on Newsround since 2011.


7th October - I'm a Libran.

Where were you born?

I grew up in Aberdeen in the north-east of Scotland. Since then I've lived in Edinburgh, Maastricht, Whistler, London and now Manchester! Phew.

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

I have two big sisters, called Sally and Anna. Apart from being really inspirational, it's brilliant to borrow their clothes (but don't tell them I said that)!

What are your hobbies?

When I'm not in the Newsround office I can usually be found in the cinema, at the gym, or on the train back to Scotland for a visit. I used to do lots of drama, singing and acting and once played Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, with a real dog that kept running off the stage!

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Can you spot Jenny?

I like to think I'm a bit of a dare-devil too. In the past I've been skiing, surfing, scuba diving, snowboarding and white water rafting. I've yet to try sky diving though, so watch this space (sorry mum).

Favourite colour?

Red! Almost every item of clothing I own is that colour. It means I spend most of my time looking a little bit like a post box...

How do you spend the perfect weekend?

With my family. Weekends at Christmas-time are my favourite. Everyone meets up at my auntie's house, some in fancy dress. We play games and eat my favourite home-made food. There are lots of us so it's always noisy, but that's one of the best bits.

Favourite food?

It has got to be Scotland's speciality: Haggis, Neeps and Tatties (Scots for turnips and potatoes). I usually only eat it on special occasions, or at a ceilidh (a Scottish ball).

What makes you laugh?

The C´óÏó´«Ã½ dogs, Hacker and Dodge, always make me giggle!

What are you scared of?

Nothing! Except for, perhaps, my own baking. My cake making skills leave a lot to be desired.

What other jobs have you had?

Lots! I've worked as a paper girl, waitress, shop assistant, nanny, receptionist, drama teacher, legal intern, and even as a children's ski instructor. One of the best fun jobs I've ever had was getting to dress up as a giant teddy bear to sell ski school lessons. No one knew it was me inside the suit!

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Would you recognise Jenny?

What did you do before Newsround?

I studied Law for four years at Edinburgh University. As part of the course I lived in the Netherlands for a year studying Human Rights and International Law - but I've always wanted to be a journalist. After graduating I worked for the ´óÏó´«Ã½ News Channel and CBC News.

What makes a good Newsround story?

We try our best to bring you stories that tell you something new, surprising or inspiring. Some of the best stories are the ones that you might not initially be interested in, but because of the way we tell them you want to find out more. I enjoy stories that include your experiences - like the weather reports sent in from Newsround viewers across the UK after the recent storm. If you want to keep watching, we know we've done our job well.

How did you get into journalism?

I've always been a newspaper addict. I did lots of local news internships, to find out more about journalism, and wrote for my school and university newspapers. I've had many jobs as a runner where I've been lucky enough to work for some outstanding broadcasters who have inspired me. I always ask people I admire for advice.

Any advice for children who want to get into journalism?

Always ask questions and be pro-active. Write to people for work experience and keep chasing them - journalism can be competitive. You can never start too early - become the editor of your own household newspaper, interview your family, blog about your school dinners, or leave a comment on the Newsround website!

What makes you happy?

Image source, Jenny Lawrence

I'm a bit of a Scrabble geek and I'm never happier than when I'm playing a board game with friends. One of the best moments of my life was when I finally managed to beat my dad. Sad, I know.

What's your favourite gadget?

My smartphone - I use it all the time to keep up to date with the news… sometimes it may as well be attached to my fingers.

What's your biggest ambition?

To be a Newsround presenter/reporter... and Scrabble champion of the world!

One day I would like to work for the ´óÏó´«Ã½ News Channel and report on big stories from around the world.