Schools: Send in your education questions for the person in charge of schools

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Lots of you aren't going to school at the moment, and right now there's still no definite date on when you'll go back.

You might be wondering what will happen next and what this all means for your education?

We want you to tell us what you would like to know - maybe you're wondering when schools will reopen, what lessons will be like when you do go back or if you'll need to catch up on any work.

We will put some of them to the government's Education Secretary - Gavin Williamson. He's the person who's in charge of schools in England.

Whatever your question, we want to know about it and we'll try to get an answer.

We'd love you to record a video or leave a comment below with your question for Mr. Williamson.

If you record a video this can be sent to us using the uploader below. If your parent or guardian is sending it in, they can do that here.

If you cannot see where to upload, click here.

You can also post your question in the comment below.