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drama and excitement to your borders with the
elegant Agapanthus by Brendan Little
The Agapanthus or the Blue African Lily is one
of the aristocrats of the late summer garden.
The exotic combination of graceful foliage and
stunning flowers is equally impressive in the
border or large terracotta planter. And if you
do not already grow these wonderful plants then
may I suggest you give them a try?
The genus as the common name suggests comes
from Africa, South Africa to be more precise,
and they have long been a favourite for planting
in tubs and large containers. Agapanthus umbellatus
is a magnificent species which I have found
to be quite hardy at Baronscourt, County Tyrone,
although many of the textbooks will tell you
that this species is only hardy in the warmest
counties. Agapanthus requires full sun and a
fertile soil which should be moist rather than
dry, but not boggy. They are fleshy-rooted plants
that produce clumps of sword like foliage which
dies back in winter to emerge again the following
spring. They tend to increase rather slowly,
eventually needing division and replanting which
is best carried out in the spring. Avoid planting
them too deep.
Agapanthus umbellatus is a versatile subject
that is excellent for cutting and which makes
a good companion for a number of other garden
plants. I like the combination of Agapanthus
and Campanula lactiflora both of which are big
and bold. Agapanthus under planted with variegated
Lungwort, try the old garden 聭Spotted Dog聮
Pulmonaria officinalis, is a combination that
I also enjoy.
the 1950s and 聭60s a number of dark blue
forms came on the market under the name of Headbourne
Hybrids these popular hybrids are freely available
in the horticultural trade and are well worth
checking out. If your plot is a small one, the
tiny dark blue 聭Lilliput聮 may be the
one for you. Or perhaps the middle of the road
A. 聭Summer Skies聮 which flowers at
40cm tall, may fit your bill.
For me size does matter and I will go for A.
聭Blue Giant聮 a real beauty that produces
flower stems 1.2m tall.
It should be borne in mind that nearly all varieties
will lean toward the sun, which makes a south
facing border the most suitable aspect. North
facing borders should be avoided if at all possible.
Whichever variety you choose I have no doubt
that you will be smitten by the Agapanthus bug.
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