Your comments about Claude
Robert - "I heard a great Claude story where a man was in with Claude and and this fella had been in a lot of trouble and was worried how he might get on so he asked Claude. Well Claude replied it's not me you need it's Perry Mason."
Caller - "I was a barman in this city and I remember a number of years ago Claude and a client came into the bar. Now the case went on for a day and a half and before it ended the client had told me he was worried about how to pay Claude. Well after the case ended Claude and the client came into the bar and I could hear your man the client telling Claude about the payment problems. Next thing
Claude came up to me at the bar and said what's the price of two gin and tonics and I said 拢4 pounds. So Claude turned to the client and said you owe me 拢4."
Pat - "there was a famous story where Claude and a referee were going down to a match in Fahan. Well the ref hit a hen out on the road and turned to Claude and said "what the hell was that?" Well Claude replied "You're some ref you don't even know a fowl when you see one."
Caller - "where did the saying about claude the "Catholic" Prod come from? I know it was said with affection so what is it's orgins?"
Caller - "I believe the saying was "Vote for Claude the Catholic Prod". It went back to when he stood as a Liberal candidate. By the way I know a wealthy Protestant Family who supported Claude when he stood for election. Well they told me they lost a lot of Protestant friends as a result of supporting Claude."
Kevin - "I used to be a barman in Tinney's over 30 years ago and Claude used to be a regular. So I had to tell a couple of Claude stories. Claude used to come in during wintertime and order a hot whiskey and a full salad, I remember asking what was a full salad as it sounded quite quirky. That apparently was the name given to a hot whiskey with lemons and cloves in it. Also one other time there was a pub quiz going on and a fella correctly answered a question about who invented the vacuum cleaner, well quick as a flash Claude shouted to the man- "Oh you are cleaning up now"".
See also:
"Say nothing 'til you see Claude"..禄