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(Track 2) Choir 1: (Solo voice) How d’you make the sunrise, How d’you make the sunrise, Choir 2: Choir 3: Choir 1: Choir 2: Start a new day, Search for a tune, Choir 3: Start a new day, Search for a tune, Choir 1: How d’you make the sunrise, How d’you make the sunrise, Choir 2: Choir 3: Choir 1: Start a new day, Start a new day, Choir 2: How d’you make the sunrise, How d’you make the sunrise, Choir 3: Choir 1: Search for a tune, Search for a tune, Choir 2: Start a new day, Start a new day, Choir 3: How d’you make the sunrise, How d’you make the sunrise, Choir 1: Now the world is turning, Now the world is turning, Choir 2: Search for a tune, Search for a tune, Choir 3: Start a new day, Start a new day, Choir 1: Make a new day, Make a new day, Choir 2: Now the world is turning, Now the world is turning, Choir 3: Search for a tune, I’ve found my tune Choir 1: Search for a tune, Search for a tune, Choir 2: Make a new day, Make a new day, Choir 3: Now the world is turning, Now the world is turning, Choir 1: Choir 2: Search for a tune, Search for a tune, Choir 3: Make a new day, Make a new day, As the song builds slowly the Planets begin to unlock themselves and appear to be moving and revolving as they join in with the song. They begin to dance to the music of the spheres Choir 1: Now the world is turning, planets are learning their places Choir 2: Now the world is turning, planets are learning their places Choir 3: Now the world is turning, Choir 1: The spheres are singing their music is ringing their Choir 2: Start a new day, The spheres are singing their music is ringing their Choir 3: Now the world is turning Choir 1: Changes to bring us back home. Choir 2: Changes to bring us back home. Choir 3: Changes to bring us back home. Choir 1: Now the world is turning, Now the world is turning, Choir 2: Choir 3: Choir 1: Make a new day, Make a new day, Choir 2: Now the world is turning, Now the world is turning, Choir 3: Choir 1: I’ve found my tune, I’ve found my tune, Choir 2: Make a new day, Make a new day, Choir 3: Now the world is turning, Now the world is turning, Choir 1: Choir 2: I’ve found my tune, I’ve found my tune, Choir 3: Make a new day, Make a new day, Choir 1: Choir 2: Choir 3: I’ve found my tune, (Solo voice) I’ve found my tune The Planets are freely orbiting around each other now back in line and harmony. Charlie We’ve done it! There are congratulations and backslapping amongst the children and the Night creatures applaud. The Space conductor stands apart. Chris Well done to you too. Are you okay? Space Conductor Yes and thank you for all your help, but I must leave now. Eddy But we’ve just made friends. D’you have to go? Space Conductor I have to keep the music and everything spinning in harmony. It’s time to take my place. Chris Well now I know you are out there. I won’t be afraid any more. Eddy And I’ll make sure I’ll go to bed. Charlie And I won’t be horrible to strangers Allie (Loudly) And I’ll stop being so loud! All Oh Allie shut up! Charlie Oh but what are you going to use for your baton? The Night Creatures shuffle forward. Slimey Sorry to but in, but me and the Night Creatures have been talking and well… Mothy We found your broken baton and well we know a few tricks ourselves so… Earwigwax We took some slime and a bit of my earwig wax and fixed it. They hand the roughly mended baton to the Space Conductor. Space Conductor I don’t know what to say… Thank you. Bugface Well come on then, give it a go! Space Conductor waves the baton and the air fills with music. Finale. Song. When A New Conductor... Reggae. Children When a new conductor finds a new tune It lights up the stars and then soon Planets start to sing New days for everything All When a new conductor finds a new tune All Planets and Stars and Night Creatures join in for finale. Space Conductor starts to disappear back up into the sky. Space When an old planet finds a new moon Conductor And smiles beside as it blooms New worlds start to sing It’s a wondrous thing When an old planet finds a new moon All Now it’s time to say goodbye Now it time for thoughts to fly Universes wait for no one So now it’s time for you to go And we will know forever Your music rings for each and everyone Suddenly Nan and Grandad appear. Nan What’s all this noise! Granddad And what are all these people doing in our garden? Children Oh Nan Grandad come join in! All When a new conductor finds a new tune It lights up the stars and the moons Planets start to sing New days for everything When a new conductor finds a new tune When a new conductor finds a new tune Planet Rap All the planets in the sky go crazy Keep on spinning now and don’t be lazy A star, a moon, a planet and a tune Keep the beat from night til noon Bug Rap All the creatures of the world go crazy Keep on creepin now and don’t be lazy A worm, a flea, a beetle and a bee Getting down to earth’s harmony A worm, a flea, a beetle and a bee Getting down to earth’s harmony Rock’n’Roll Reprise to end All We had a problem with the universe Grabbed a beat putting first things first Now we’ve found a way to save our worlds And so now kiss goodbye you boys and girls Chorus 1 (Together) Chorus 2 Now we found a way to save our worlds We’re all through So long See you on another planet Kiss goodbye you boys and girls END PAGE  PAGE 1 -/tuЅІЙиєў  C c e x К Ф Ю ќ  " > H z Ї Ў Э щ ) Z ‡ Г ё " T  Н Ш љ $ % м н #i“е$Fo—П ?}‡іяыяіяодоУВоУВЄВоУВоУ–УВоУВЄВоУВоУВоУВоУВоыдоУВоУВоУВоУВоУВhd,OB*OJQJ^Jphџhd,OB*OJQJ^Jphџ!hQ<hd,OB*OJQJ^Jphџ!hQ<hd,OB*OJQJ^Jphџhd,OOJQJ^JhQ<hd,OOJQJ^Jhd,O hd,O6]hd,O56\];./tuІєў  C x y К Ф Ю Я ќ > H I z Ї щ ъ ы њњњњђхррррррррррррррррррррgdd,O „ „`њ^„ `„`њgdd,Odрgdd,Ogdd,O!:§§ы ) Z ‡ ˆ Г ё " # T  Н О Ш љ $ % м #i“”е$FGo—њњњњњњњњњњњњњњњњѕњњшњшшњњњњ „ „`њ^„ `„`њgdd,Ogdd,Ogdd,O—ПРСТ ?}‡ˆКф"#-_‰Š”žлмн-.Eњњњњњњњњњњњњњњњњњњњњњњњѕѕѕѕѕgdd,Ogdd,O‡Кф"-_‰”žлм-FЪŠ“*OАю!#дLЂЃДзє01ЧШиgЌ­Ыw—!ѓтбѓтбѓтбЪЦЪЦЪЦЪЦЪЦЪЦМЪВЦВЅВЦЪВЪ˜ВЪŽЪМЪМЪ‡|hd,Ohd,O56] hvЭ6]h8uDhd,O6]h8uDhd,OOJQJ^Jhхpсhd,OOJQJ^Jhd,OOJQJ^Jhd,O56\]hd,O hd,O6]!hQ<hd,OB*OJQJ^Jphџ!hQ<hd,OB*OJQJ^JphџhQ<hd,OOJQJ^J,EFЪЫїјўCDyz€фх+,TU‚ƒАБЧШ)*њњњњњњээээњээээээээээээээээ „ „`њ^„ `„`њgdd,Ogdd,O*}~ЫЬNOU…†ЏАюя"#RwЇЈгдђђђђђђђђэђђђђђђђђшлшвшшш„ ^„ gdd,O „а„а^„а`„аgdd,Ogdd,Ogdd,O „ „`њ^„ `„`њgdd,OдLMxНгїј:TsДЕжзѓє01YZ…Њњѕьпввѕѕвввввњњњњњѕѕѕвѕв „а„а^„а`„аgdd,O „ „`њ^„ `„`њgdd,O  Ц9r gdd,Ogdd,Ogdd,OЊРиў&'VЅЩЪњ"GŠЌ­ШЫѓJwx™гђђхррррррррррзррррррррррр„ ^„ gdd,Ogdd,O „а„а^„а`„аgdd,O „а„а^„а`„аgdd,Oгњ!*+,789:;њњњёыщёыщщњ„h]„h„јџ„&`#$gdd,O !"()*,-34567:;ѕяѕяыѕяѕрѕяыеhd,Ohd,O56]hd,O0JmHnHuhd,O hd,O0Jjhd,O0JU 2 001hА‚. 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