Director's diary You are in: North Yorkshire > We love NY > Diaries > Director's diary  That's it - all over. The curtain has gone down on York Shakespeare Project's latest production. Director Mark reflects.  Every scene has been rehearsed and now director Mark is trying to pull it all together!  Director Mark takes the cast back to the beginning, but how much has sunk in?  All 63 scenes of Shakespeare's Henry VI have been rehearsed except the last one!  Rehearsals have moved into part three of Shakespeare's Henry VI.  Rehearsals are going well and the cast are now tackling some weighty scenes.  Rehearsals move into the play's unusual venue, giving everything a new feel.  Preparing four and a half hours of theatre definitely presents its challenges.  Putting the battles behind him, Mark moves on to some more intimate scenes.  Mark gets his ruthless head on for the task of chopping down the Henry VI plays.  The group meet for the first time and our blogger, Mark, makes a daring speech... More from this section You are in: North Yorkshire > We love NY > Diaries > Director's diary |