a , ; "Relates a discipline with a parent discipline, for example rhythmic gymnastics with gymnastics."@en-gb ; ; ; "subDisciplineOf"@en-gb ; . a ; "The home ground, stadium or location of a Competitive Sporting Organisation."@en-gb ; ; "Home"@en-gb . a ; "Relates a multi-stage competition to a stage that it contains."@en-gb ; ; ; "hasStage"@en-gb ; . a . a ; "Relates a round to an enumerated round type."@en-gb ; ; ; "roundType"@en-gb ; . a ; "A Multi-stage Competition is a competition that is organised as a set of stages. An example is the Football World Cup."@en-gb ; ; "MultiStageCompetition"@en-gb ; . a , ; "The Sport Ontology is a simple lightweight ontology for publishing data about competitive sports events."^^ ; "Sport Ontology"^^ ; , , , , , ; ; "https://repo.dev.bbc.co.uk/services/linked-data/ontologies/domain/sport/sport-2.13.ttl"^^ ; "Making sport:SportingOrganisation subClass core:Organisation. Refining some descriptions."@en-gb ; "2015-05-14T08:53:58+00:00"^^ ; ; "true"^^ ; "sport"^^ ; "3.2"^^ ; , , , , ; ; ; "3.2"^^ . a . a ; "A round is one or more competitions that is part of a Multi-Round Competition. Examples include the first round of Wimbledon and the final round of the FA Cup."@en-gb ; ; "Round"@en-gb ; . a ; "Relates a competitor, team or other agent to a competition."@en-gb ; ; ; "competesIn"@en-gb ; ; . a ; "A sporting organisation that participates in competitive sporting events. For example Manchester United or Team GB at the Olympics."@en-gb ; ; "CompetitiveSportingOrganisation"@en-gb ; . a ; "Relates a round to its corresponding multi-round competition."@en-gb ; ; ; "isRoundOf"@en-gb ; ; . a ; "Relates a competition to the previous competition in a heirarchy that teams are relegated to. For example the Premier League relegates to the nPower Championship."@en-gb ; ; ; "relegatesTo"@en-gb ; ; . a ; "An athlete or other person with typically a participating role in a CompetitiveSportingOrganisation."@en-gb ; ; "Person"@en-gb ; , . a ; "An organisation as a collection of leagues used to select the top N competitors from each league."@en-gb ; ; "GroupCompetition"@en-gb ; . a . a . a . a ; "Enumerated competition types, for example: domestic, international."@en-gb ; ; "CompetitionType"@en-gb . a . a ; "Division relates a DivisionalCompetition to a competition which is a division of that DivisionalCompetition. Used for the olympics"^^ ; ; ; ; ; "true"^^ . a ; "The location of a sporting event. May be a stadium, track, lake etc."@en-gb ; ; "Venue"@en-gb . a . a ; "The Governing Body for a sport, such as The Football Association."@en-gb ; ; "GoverningBody"@en-gb ; . a . a . a ; "A competition that results in the awarding of a medal to the winner or runner up in that competition."@en-gb ; ; "MedalCompetition"@en-gb ; . a ; "Relates a competition to a competitor in that competition."@en-gb ; ; ; "hasCompetitor"@en-gb ; . a ; "Relates a group competition to its corresponding League competition."@en-gb ; ; ; "isGroupOf"@en-gb ; . a . a ; "Relates a session to its previous session."@en-gb ; ; ; "prevSession"@en-gb ; . a ; "Relates a stage in a multi-stage competition to its previous stage."@en-gb ; ; ; "prevStage"@en-gb ; . a . a . a ; "Legacy property used to associate a team with the country flag it represented during the olympics" ; ; ; ; "true"^^ . a . a . a ; "The group of people that are available to compete in a particular competition. Two groups with the same members are not necessarily the same group."@en-gb ; ; "CompetitiveSportingGroup"@en-gb ; . a ; "Relates a competition to its last unit competition."@en-gb ; ; ; "lastUnitCompetition"@en-gb ; ; . a . a ; "Relates a multi-round competition to a round in that competition."@en-gb ; ; ; "hasRound"@en-gb ; . a ; "Relates a unit competition to its next unit competition."@en-gb ; ; ; "nextUnitCompetition"@en-gb ; . a ; "The smallest unit of sporting competition."@en-gb ; ; "Match"@en-gb ; . a ; "Relates a multi-stage competition to its first stage in that competition."@en-gb ; ; ; "firstStage"@en-gb ; ; . a . a ; "Relates a competition to the last session of a series of sessions."@en-gb ; ; ; "lastSession"@en-gb ; ; . a . a ; "A competitive sporting event that usually appears as an occurrence of a recurring competition, for example the recurring English Football Premier League has a seasonal competition occurrence during 2012/13"@en-gb ; ; "Competition"@en-gb ; . a . a . a ; "Relates a match to a round."@en-gb ; ; ; "isMatchOf"@en-gb ; ; . a ; "A unit competition is the unit of competition defined by a competition discipline rules. Examples include a 100m race or Football match."@en-gb ; ; "UnitCompetition"@en-gb ; . a ; "General description of the participation of players, drivers, riders etc, in groups and organisations."@en-gb ; ; "CompetitiveSportingRole"@en-gb ; . a ; "Relates a multi-round competition to the last round in that competition."@en-gb ; ; ; "lastRound"@en-gb ; ; . a . a . a . a . a . a ; "A competition that incorporates a number of different sports, such as the Olympics."@en-gb ; ; "MultiDisciplineCompetition"@en-gb ; . a . a ; "Relates a competition to the recurring instance of that competition, for example the 2012/13 Premier League to the Premier League."@en-gb ; ; ; "recurringCompetition"@en-gb ; . a ; "Legacy class, used for associating an athlete with the national team they competed for during the Summer Olympics. Deprecated due to improper naming."@en-gb ; ; "CompetesForRole"^^ ; "true"^^ . a ; "Relates a competitive sporting group to a competitive sporting organisation."@en-gb ; ; ; "isCompetitiveSportingOrganisationOf"@en-gb ; . a ; "A sub-division of a competition, that must be broken up due to the duration of that competition, occurring for example in snooker or cricket."@en-gb ; ; "Session"@en-gb ; . a ; "Relates a competition to a session within that competition."@en-gb ; ; ; "hasSession"@en-gb ; . a ; "A Divisional Competition is a competition that is divided into a number of competitions. London 2012 is an example of a Divisional Competition."@en-gb ; ; "DivisionalCompetition"@en-gb ; . a ; "Relates a competition to a gender class instance."@en-gb ; ; ; "eventGender"@en-gb ; . a . a . a ; "An organisation involved in Sport, for example a Football team or the UK Government Department for Culture, Media and Sport."@en-gb ; ; "SportingOrganisation"@en-gb ; , . a . a ; "Relates a round to a unit competition in that round."@en-gb ; ; ; "hasUnitCompetition"@en-gb ; . a . a ; "A League Competition is a hierarchy of competitions or competition within such a hierarchy."@en-gb ; ; "LeagueCompetition"@en-gb ; . a . a ; "Relates something, typically a competition, to an enumerated competition type."@en-gb ; ; ; "competitionType"@en-gb ; . a ; "Relates a match to one competitor, by definition or designation not the home competitor."@en-gb ; ; ; "awayCompetitor"@en-gb ; . a ; "Relates a league competition to a corresponding group competition."@en-gb ; ; ; "hasGroup"@en-gb ; ; . a . a ; "Relates a competition to its first unit competition."@en-gb ; ; ; "firstUnitCompetition"@en-gb ; ; . a ; "Relates a multi-round competition to its previous unit competition."@en-gb ; ; ; "prevUnitCompetition"@en-gb ; . a . a ; "Relates a competition to the next competition in a heirarchy that teams are promoted to. For example the nPower Championship promotes to the Premier League."@en-gb ; ; ; "promotesTo"@en-gb ; ; . a . a ; "Relates a round in a multi-round competition to its previous round."@en-gb ; ; ; "prevRound"@en-gb ; . a . a ; "Relates a stage in a multi-stage competition to its last stage."@en-gb ; ; ; "lastStage"@en-gb ; ; . a . a . a ; "The type of discipline a sporting event involves."@en-gb ; ; "SportsDiscipline"@en-gb . a ; "Relates a stage in a multi-stage competition to its next stage."@en-gb ; ; ; "nextStage"@en-gb ; . a . a , ; "Implemented because foaf has no notion of date of birth. Deprecated in favour of core:dateOfBirth."@en-gb ; ; ; "dateOfBirth"@en-gb ; ; "true"^^ . a ; "Relates a round to a match."@en-gb ; ; ; "hasMatch"@en-gb ; ; . a ; "Relates a divisional competition to a division in that competition."@en-gb ; ; ; "hasDivision"@en-gb ; . a ; "A recurring sports competition the covers many sports, such as the Summer Olympics."@en-gb ; ; "MultiDisciplineRecurringCompetition"@en-gb . a ; "A Competition organised as a sequence of rounds, for example the Premier League or group stage of the World Cup."@en-gb ; ; "MultiRoundCompetition"@en-gb ; . a ; "Enumerated type, typically Male, Female or Mixed."@en-gb ; ; "EventGender"@en-gb . a ; "A competition or stage of competition that progresses through rounds of individual fixtures whereby one team is eliminated as a result of each fixture."@en-gb ; ; "KnockoutCompetition"@en-gb ; . a ; "Relates a discipline with a child discipline, for example gymnastics with rhythmic gymnastics."@en-gb ; ; ; "subDiscipline"@en-gb ; . a ; "Relates a multi-round competition to the first round in that competition."@en-gb ; ; ; "firstRound"@en-gb ; ; . a ; "Relates a session to a competition."@en-gb ; ; ; "isSessionOf"@en-gb ; ; . a ; "Relates a Competitive Sporting Organisation to its home ground, stadium or location."@en-gb ; ; ; "hasHome"@en-gb ; . a ; "Relates a round in a multi-round competition to its next round."@en-gb ; ; ; "nextRound"@en-gb ; . a . a ; "Associates an agent with sporting organisations non-temporally."@en-gb ; ; ; "hasCompetedFor"@en-gb ; . a ; "Relates a match to one competitor, by definition or designation not the away competitor."@en-gb ; ; ; "homeCompetitor"@en-gb ; ; . a ; "Relates a session to its next session."@en-gb ; ; ; "nextSession"@en-gb ; . a ; "Indicates the sequential number of a round."@en-gb ; ; ; "roundNumber"@en-gb ; . a ; "Relates a competition to the first session of a series of sessions."@en-gb ; ; ; "firstSession"@en-gb ; ; . a . a ; "A recurring sports competition such as the Rugby Super League."@en-gb ; ; "RecurringCompetition"@en-gb . a ; "Enumerated round types, for example: preliminary, qualifying or final."@en-gb ; ; "RoundType"@en-gb . a ; "Relates something to a sporting discipline, for example a person to athletics."@en-gb ; ; "discipline"@en-gb ; . a ; "Relates a stage to a multi-stage competition."@en-gb ; ; ; "isStageOf"@en-gb ; ; . a .