Home > Features > The future is wheelchair generated electricity
The future is wheelchair generated electricity
24th February 2010
This got me to thinking. What a waste, for all that static electricity to dissipate into the atmosphere. There’s potential for comedy handshakes, in the manner of The Joker of Batman notoriety, but that’s just frivolity. In this era of global warming, there’s no excuse for wasted energy.

And what about a small dynamo connected to the axle of the chair? Okay, pushing uphill is hard enough already, but all that free wheeling down slopes must surely have potential for power generation?
These idle thoughts were going nowhere until I saw that Dr Cui, a Stanford University researcher, has designed a new material that can transmit and store electricity, by impregnating it with an ink made of carbon nanotubes.

Clearly, now we are on to something. The days of heavy batteries may be numbered. I’ve put my research team at the Myles na gCopaleen Central Research Bureau onto it, and the early signs are promising. Until this point in history, perpetual motion, like nuclear fusion and the philosopher’s stone, has remained a pipe dream. But now it looks tantalisingly close

So if you see me on a high street near you, festooned with cables and exuding sparks, you’ll know why.
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Fabulous article Tom. Perhaps a wind turbine or solar panels on future Eco chairs? Free electricity for all wheelchair users at home and never a power cut again!
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wheelchairs with dynamo hubs might be an idea, they have them on some bicycles. maybe a reversible system to get a boost on hills. you've got me thinking Tom, watch this space ...
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Hey, if nothing else you can give your fellow employees a good fun hand shake. ;-)
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My first wheelchair was very eco-friendly - it ran on beer!
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You can have my wheelie generated static by all means - drives me flippin nuts it does!
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What a brilliant idea!
At long last female powered wheelchair users can brag that they ARE hot stuff!
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