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Seaneen Molloy

Seaneen is the three-quarter sized Irish writer behind blog. In her spare time she enjoys tea, hurling insults at the television and tutting at those who tut at others on public transport. She lives in London with two cats and eight million other people.
A holiday survival guide for the mentally interesting.
14th August 2009

Holidays are, by their nature, breaks away from normal life, unless your normal life involves room service. But as well as having a hotel door for 鈥淒o Not Disturb鈥, they should also give you one to hang up which says 鈥淯NDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES MUST YOU BE DEPRESSED OR IN ANY WAY MOROSE OR STRANGE鈥. The rules dictate that you must be happy. And as we often go on holiday with families, lovers or friends, the pressure to be happy is more acute than in our ordinary lives, where we have our favourite corners to hide away in if need be.

There are medications to (forget) to take, appointments to attend, sleep to catch, jobs to go to (or not), alcohol to (sort of) avoid and so on and on and bloomin' on. In general, in order to not be tutted at by your doctor, you have to behave.
Routine, coupled with avoiding stress, is often cited as being one of the best lifestyle adjustments you can make if you suffer from mental illness. Unfortunately, routine tends to wave cheerily at you from the skidding tarmac of the airport runway as you leave for your well earned break. There's late nights, early mornings, excess drinking, eating out, people to see, ruins to visit, crabs to eat and starry-eyed sighing to be done. The little things, like taking care of yourself and being well behaved, tend to fall by the wayside somewhat.

little low or anxious, I let whomever I鈥檓 with know in a gentle way, so I don鈥檛 sit in silence feeling terribly guilty and forcing a rictus grin.
I attempt, with varying degrees of success, to abandon all my worries before leaving home. I drink if I feel like doing so, eat a little more than I usually would, and try to embrace this break from my day to day reality - even if it鈥檚 just being amused by the different regional news programmes on TV in the hotel room.
Maybe the best way to deal with holiday stress is to throw yourself into your days away as much as you can, whether it鈥檚 a relaxing short break or a wild week. But if you don鈥檛 feel able to, there鈥檚 no point in being hard on yourself.

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Glad to know I'm not the only one who finds holidays really hard.
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I am busy packing to go away on holiday (my husband's idea - take the kiddy out of a paid-for nursery place and cart her across the country to be needy for a week, yum, much as I love her) and OMG the equipment. We're going to a "normal" venue, you see, so I have to take my own kit, not just a couple of wheelchairs and a stick for all occasions but ramps, mattresses, bath lifts... And then we have to pack for a toddler - cots, nappy changing facilities, all her own crockery and cutlery. Cripes, why are we doing this to ourselves? Our house is already set up with these things, but instead we are driving across the country to live in a caravan just to see a different set of Boots, McDonalds and WHSmiths from those we have back home.
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