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Disability Bitch

Ouch's fearsome Bitch eats famous disabled people for breakfast. And then spits them out again. She tackles other controversial disability topics with all the subtlety of a hammer cracking a nut. Don't say we didn't warn you!
Disability Bitch goes into cyberspasm
10th March 2011
• The rest of the time, you can follow her on and .

I read a very interesting article by Aleks Krotoski published at the weekend which posed the question .
Well, let's take a look at this for a second: Do you follow @BrokenOfBritain on Twitter to contribute to your understanding of proposed disability benefit cuts? Do you do online supermarket shopping? Do you use video to talk to friends who are hard to visit? Do you look for forums full of people with your condition so you can discuss the drugs you're on? Do you fill in dozens of online job application forms? Do you find out about accessible software that will increase your productivity or enable you to read? These are just some of the things I know about in my daily internet life as a disabled person. How about you?

The author admittedly gives a self-depricating nod towards her unhelpful cyberspace obsession and mentions what academic disability research she'd like to read about, stating it hasn't yet been done. She goes nowhere near web access barriers for blind people and seems to bypass the fact that people with mental health difficulties are in fact far more visible than most on the social web sometimes; the opposite to real life where it's a 'hidden impairment'.
Disability is beautifully complexly diverse, isn't it? But are we really in such a different world that web commentators like the highly accomplished and fascinating Aleks Krotoski don't seem to know anything of the stuff we know?
Despite my reservations, I felt she put forward an interesting question and have been doing an equally fascinating parallel study for you. My unique research poses the question: What Effect Has The Internet Had on Ableness? I'm sure you're on tenterhooks for the results.

I discovered that, while most Abled people have the capacity to move about the real world without restriction and can easily interact with other flesh and blood humans, life online provides them with endless opportunities to procrastinate, vegetate on the sofa, and spout absurd nonsense for hours at a time.
"I love the internet," said one participant. "Before social networking came along, I used to go out and have a life and work on my friendships, but now I sit at home on weekends and post on my Facebook page.
"Sometimes, my virtual friends click the Like button and it makes me feel loved and wanted. I'm so much happier as a result."

The conclusion I've drawn is that the internet has turned the non-disabled into a populous of socially dysfunctional, lazy liars. Don't argue with me, it's all true. I've sent my study to Professor Stephen Hawking and I feel sure he'll write back within days to rubber-stamp the scientificness of my conclusions.
The non-disableds, they completely fascinate me. I'll be studying them again soon.
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Oh DB, you are having a rant aren't you? Sarcasm really doesn't suit you when on other occasions you have so many more interesting things to say.
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Hey DB, I enjoyed the rant but am passing on the invitation to follow you on Twitter as it would be a public admission of the fact that I have nothing better to do.
OOOPs just realised that posting this amounts to the same thing. LOL
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"Sarcasm doesn't suit you" Really? Don't think I know anyone better qualified to mickey take, or who does it half as well.
You've nailed it here DB
"Before social networking came along, I used to go out and have a life and work on my friendships, but now I sit at home on weekends and post comedy photographs of cats on my Facebook page" - Genius
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You've nailed it here DB...
"Before social networking came along, I used to go out and have a life and work on my friendships, but now I sit at home on weekends and post comedy photographs of cats on my Facebook page" - Genius
Please - I really hope you stop the sarcasm too. I don't read your blog for a great laugh and to brighten up my day thank you very much :o)
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Wow, way for Aleks to miss the point of the Social Model! And this is someone I normally find very insightful, is disability really so difficult to understand?
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