30.04.02  The
Shark Watcher's Handbook: A guide to sharks and where to see them
Mark Carwardine & Ken Watterson
with sharks is one of the world's great wildlife experiences. The
lure of observing such extraordinary creatures in their natural
environment, combined with the inescapable adrenalin rush, means
that one close encounter is never enough.' Mark Carwardine
a generation ago, anyone diving with sharks was considered mad,
reckless or outrageously adventurous. However by the late 1960s
and early 1970s, a few pioneering dive operators began to take recreational
divers on organised shark encounters. Slowly but surely others began
to follow suit and today, shark diving has become an everyday occurrence.
this groundbreaking book, Mark Carwardine and Ken Watterson explain
how, where and when to watch sharks around the world. Thoroughly
researched, with the help of thousands of dive operators and shark
experts in more than 50 countries, the book outlines everything
the enthusiast needs to know about sharks and shark-watching. The
handbook reviews the history, techniques, risks and controversies
of this increasingly popular activity and provides a thorough overview
of shark natural history. It also contains detailed information
on the 24 shark species most likely to be encountered and a guide
to taking shark photographs safely.
cage-diving with great whites in South Africa to snorkelling with
basking sharks in the Irish Sea The Shark Watcher's Handbook is
the first detailed directory of more than 250 of the world's shark-watching
hotspots and presents an invaluable reference for divers, snorklers
and enthusiasts alike.
Carwardine is a zoologist, writer, photographer, consultant and
broadcaster with a special interest in marine wildlife. He has written
more than 40 books and presents Nature and a wide variety of other
natural history programmes on 大象传媒 Radio 4.
Watterson is a research scientist and founder of The Basking Shark
Society and has been working with basking sharks for nearly 20 years.
25 July 2002
0563 537949
拢16.99 Paperback
