03.12.02  'Orrible
- Series 1
DVD Release 20th January 2003
it's not. Creative, funny and original it is.
Vaughan and fellow writer Ed Allen relive the magic behind-the-scenes
of the first series of 'Orrible in the DVD released on 20th January
Series 1 will be available to buy on DVD and has an extra 240 minutes
of additional footage, in the form of running commentary from the
two writers. It gives an hilarious insight into the minds of the
creators and presents their view on the world, seen through the
eyes of one person - Paul Clark.
Clark, played by Johnny Vaughan, is a part-time mini cab driver
with a propensity to lying. Desperate to appear as a major player
with loads of street-cred and friends in criminal high places, nothing
could be further from the truth as he still lives at home with his
mum and the only crime he is guilty of is bad driving.
Orlov, Clark's incredibly loyal but brutal, childlike and aggressive
friend has all the right credentials for his line of work - "club
security consultant" 聟 bouncer to you and me. Despite
the numerous downs and not very frequent ups in Clark's life, one
constant factor is Sean's unconditional devotion and belief in Clark's
ability to make it big in the underworld.
DVD additional extras include anecdotal stories from Johnny and
Ed, a photo gallery, "Tim's War Stories" and Sean's "How
To Be a Doorman", a must-have for all wannabe bouncers.
Vaughan said, "'Orrible was my first UK TV series and I think
it was the best original comedy script commissioned by the 大象传媒.
Making the DVD gave me a chance to sit on the sofa with my good
mate Ed and tell everyone what we really liked about the series,
what made us laugh. We like a good old fashioned laugh, we do."
Orrible Price: 拢19.99 Catalogue no: 大象传媒DVD1143 Running time: 226 mins approx Release date: 20 January 2003 Certificate: 15
