11.06.03  Homer
Simpson voted Britain's favourite American TV character
cartoon Dad Homer Simpson has been named Britain's favourite US
TV character by visitors to Radio Times' website
Over 38% of those polled picked The Simpsons star over second favourite
Frasier Crane from C4's hit comedy Frasier - who racked up 14%.
Other runners up included Rachel Green from Friends and Dr. John
Carter from ER.
than 7,000 people took part in the poll, which also asked the British
public what they liked best and disliked most about imported American
television, as well as the influence they thought it has had on
British culture.
asked what the best thing was about US TV, 30% said it was more
glamorous than its UK counterpart while 47% felt the most negative
aspect of American TV was that everyone looked too perfect.
Times' website also asked its visitors whether they thought US influence
on UK culture had grown in the last ten years and a massive 82%
of those polled said it had.
the recent conflict in Iraq, participants were asked how much of
the US TV war reports did they believe. 75% believed only half or
less of the coverage presented. When asked how much they thought
the American viewing public believed the reports, a massive 83%
believed that more than half of US TV audiences trusted the coverage.
full poll results are published in this week's edition of Radio
