Press Releases
Alastair Campbell Diaries go to 大象传媒 Two
大象传媒 Two is to screen a three-part series to coincide with the publication
of Alastair Campbell's forthcoming book The Blair Years which is based
on the diaries he kept during his years working for the Prime Minister.
The series will be a major feature in the Corporation's coverage of Tony
Blair's Premiership.
The series has been commissioned by 大象传媒 Two Controller Roly Keating and
the Commissioning Editor for Current Affairs, George Entwistle, from
independent producer Liberty Bell.
George Entwistle said: "Alastair Campbell was the man left in the room
with the Prime Minister when everyone else had gone.
"I'm looking forward
to his diaries providing a whole new dimension in understanding the
politics of the last ten years."
Roly Keating added: "I'm sure the content of these diaries will make
fascinating viewing.
"Alastair Campbell was one of Blair's inner circle and
it's a real coup for 大象传媒 Two to have got this kind of access and insight
to his innermost thoughts."
Executive Producer for Liberty Bell, Stuart Prebble, said: "No-one was
closer to Tony Blair than Alastair Campbell, and to be able to make this
series as topical current affairs is unique."
The three one-hour programmes will be shown within days of Campbell's book
being published by Random House. The date has yet to be decided but is
likely to be within months.
The series combines readings from the diaries by Campbell with archive
footage of the key people, speeches, interviews and the real world events
he describes.
Alastair Campbell wrote more than two million words in a personal diary
kept every day he worked for Tony Blair.
His forthcoming book, The Blair
Years, will comprise edited extracts totaling around 350,000 words and
covering the key moments in Blair's leadership at home and abroad.
Alastair Campbell said: "The diary records what I saw, said, heard,
thought, felt and did during many of the key moments of his leadership.
records good days and bad days; things going wrong as well as things going
"There will of course be a huge amount of written and broadcast
analysis as the Blair Premership becomes the stuff of history.
"I am
looking forward to working on a TV series that captures the essence of my
diaries and the events and people who fill them."
It has long been known Alastair Campbell keeps a diary and a small number
of extracts were published at the time of the Hutton Inquiry.
They are
expected to give a unique insider's perspective on the key events of Tony
Blair's Premiership. 听